Judging by the way Ojiro and Aoyama were acting during this challenge, it didn't take me long to realize that this Shinso guy's quirk had something to do with mind control. Despite his curiosity on our quirks, he never asked about ours, but from what I knew, I still had total control of my own body. With Aoyama's and Ojiro's quirk being used under Shinso's control, we started to take other team's bands, keeping away from Todoroki's, Midoriya's, and Bakugo's teams. It seemed to be the best strategy to get us to the next round, and it was working. The three of them had cause such a commotion going after each other that we were able to slide into the final round.
"Team Shinso lands in third place-wait! When did they come back from the dead??" Present mic announced.
"Thanks for all your help," Shinso smirked, walking away from us.
Both Ojiro and Aoyama looked rather confused, but I had seen what had happened. Shinso had tricked Testsutetsu's team, landing us with enough points for the final round. I didn't bother saying anything back to Shinso. I was just relieved that I finally had a spot to actually show what I could do.
"(Y/N)!" Mina cheered.
Ojiro and Aoyama both looked at me as if they had questions that needed to be answered. I didn't know if I should play along, but luckily Mina got to me in time to avoid the entire situation.
"Mina, you made it to the final round!" I cheered for her.
"Thanks... but Bakugo only asked me to join so I could melt Todoroki's ice....I didn't help that much," she shied away.
"Hey, we got an hour lunch break. Let's get something to eat before the finals," I suggested to her.
She graciously agreed, asking Momo, Su, and Jiro to join us. We went to the cafeteria. The girls mainly talked among themselves, but I spotted Shinso across the hall. I couldn't help but feel my stomach turn at the thought of our advancement. In a way, it was a slimy way to win, but it was the most efficient with that quirk. I couldn't help but think of what the pro-heroes might have seen and how they would put it together with the reputation that my quirk already had.
"(Y/N), you okay?" Mina finally asked, getting my attention.
"Huh?" I questioned looking up to see all of the girls staring at me. "Oh, I'm fine, just thinking is all..."
"This final round is going to have us all on edge," Momo commented.
"I'm just hoping it will get me noticed. I know that I couldn't take on Todoroki or Bakugo," Mina confessed.
"I'm almost glad I didn't have to be put in that situation," Jiro added.
"Yeah, but at least you all have a last chance to make an impression," Su pointed out.
"Oh my god, we need to finish eating so we can go change," Momo stated, looking at the time on her phone.
"Change for what?" I questioned.
"Apparently the girls are supposed to participate in a cheer battle during the side games," Momo explained.
"We got to hurry, so we don't get in trouble," Momo rushed. "Let's go to the waiting room, so I can make the outfits."
"You're kidding me..." I mumbled.
"I wish we were," Jiro grumbled.
"A cheer battle?? How fun!" Mina beamed.
We all finished our lunches and found Hagakure and Uraraka before going to the waiting room to change. We then went back out to the main arena, where Present Mic was quick to comment on out commitment to the games.
"You're kidding me. We didn't even have to wear these," I snarled.
Jiro looked like she was going to blow a fuse, but the time had come for us to pick out opponents for the final round. We all gathered around the stage as Midnight explained that we were going to pick lots. However, Ojiro interrupted, explaining that he wanted to withdraw from the final round, claiming to not remember much. Listening to him made me want to hide under a rock, knowing that he had a point, but this was also my chance. To replace him, Testutetsu from class 1-B took his spot. Then, our opponents were displayed on the screen. I scanned the board to see who I was against, and finally, I found my name...I was against Bakugo.

Rude Boy: (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)
FanfictionThis is my first MHA fanfic and I am beyond excited to work on it. However, much like the Tsuki story I am writing, this one was more requested and will only be worked on periodically when I can, but I hope you like it :)