Chapter Nine

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*Your P.O.V.*

"What are you guys even doing in here?" I heard a voice aggressively ask.

"I already told you, we wanted to make sure you guys were okay," someone responded.

"We're fine, so you can leave," the first voice responded.

"(Y/N), doesn't look so fine," another voice commented.

"Hush, she's started to wake up," an older woman's voice told them.

I slowly started to lift my eye lids, the light hitting me like a truck. It took a few seconds to adjust, but once I finally felt them open, I instantly felt wight being thrown over me.

"(Y/N), you're okay!" Mina cheered, hugging me.

"Mina!" I replied, putting my hand on her arm.

I looked around to room. I was in the infirmary and so was Bakugo, Kirishima, and Sero.

"What are you guys all doing in here?" I asked, still a little confused about everything.

I looked down at myself. I was in one of the hosipatl beds, with favrious bandages wrapped around my right side. I slowly grazed them, remembering what had happened. I glanced to Bakugo. He was sitting upright in the bed next to mine, rubbing some sort of cream on his arm.

"We came to make sure you guys were okay, oh, and Kirishima is here to make sure Bakugo apologies," Mina told me.

"I already told you idiots, I am not apologizing," Bakugo growled.

"Bakugo, the goal was to get her out of bounce, not kill her," Kirishima respond.

"I wish I would have," Bakugo grumbled, still not looking at me.

I let out an uncomfortable laugh, as the two started to argue more. "Can I go back to sleep now?"

"I told you boys, if you kept being too noisy, you'd have to leave," Recovery Girl told them. "Now, Bakugo, keep that sav on for another ten minutes or so, and you'll be fine. (Y/N), I am going to need to an evaluation on you, now that you are awake. "The rest of you can go back out there, she'll be out after a while."

Bakugo was the first to leave, and the rest all told me bye before leaving. Then Recovery Girl started her evaluation. For the most part, she was just trying to make sure that I didn't have a concussion, and then she rechanged all of my bandages. Once she was done, I was free to join the others, but I had to have been in there for a while. It was already time for the final match.

"(Y/N), you're okay," Momo smiled to me, as I joined the others.

"Yeah just a few bruises and scratches, but I'll be fine," I smiled to them.

"Quiet down, it's time for the final battle," Iida ordered.

I couldn't help but snarl a bit before taking my seat with the girls. The battle started off intense with Todoroki shooting out a giant ice blast. Bakugo instantly started to explode the ice coming towards him in defense but look completely buried in the ice. Eventually, Bakugo managed to break free. Bakugo then went after Todoroki, but when Todoroki had the perfect chance to take Bakugo out with his left side, he choked.

"C'mon Todoroki, don't give up! Do your best!" Midoryia cheered from the stands, which seemed to fuel Todoroki as he showed off his flames.

However, he stopped himself, and Bakugo managed to his him with a pretty big blast, even bigger than the one he used on me. As the debris cleared, the crowed was able to see Todoroki passed out, enraging Bakugo, who instantly ran towards him, yelling. Midnight soon came in, using her mist on Bakugo, causing him to pass out.

"Todoroki is out of bounds. Bakugo is the winner," Midnight announced.

The crowd cheered, and Bakugo's face was displayed on the big screen. None of us moved though. There was an unsettling aura that surrounded us all as we looked down at our classmates.

We didn't have much time to process the win. We soon had to go back to the main stage for the awards ceremony, where we saw Bakugo awake- and pissed.

"What the heck?" Jiro questioned as she watched Bakugo struggled against his restraints.

"He's been going nuts ever since he woke up," Kirishima explained. "Man, Bakugo, pull yourself together."

"What else could you expect from him," I mumbled.

I really meant to keep my comment to myself, but Kirishima heard me.

"What was that (Y/N)?" he curiously asked.

"Huh, oh well- Bakugo has amazing strength, and his combat level is insane, but if he doesn't let go of his pride, it's going to be his downfall," I explained to him.

Kirishima looked at me for a moment before smiling, "You know, you may not have been here for very long, but you seem to have a good understanding of everyone, (Y/N)"

I couldn't help but smile back at him before All Might appeared to give the awards. Once they were all announced, it was the end of the sports festival. I met back up with Mount Lady and Kamui. Edgeshot was still at the agency, so the two of them took me out to get some food. We mostly talked about the sports festival but also talked about how well I was fitting in. Once I was home, I was able to tell Edgeshot all about it before going to bed.

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