As we made our way out of the USJ, there was a loud bang at the entrance, catching all of our attention.
"You don't think that was someone from the class, do you?" Kirishima asked.
"No way, any of those losers are capable of making such a blast," Bakugo told him.
Soon the smoke started to clear, and we were able to see All Might at the entrance. I could feel a wave of relief come over me and Kirishima, but Bakugo still seemed on edge.
"About time he shows up," Bakugo grumbled.
I glanced a head to see the center of the dome. Mr. Aizawa laid on the ground in a puddle of blood, and the green haired boy from class looked like he was about to take on one of the bigger villains.
"What does that idiot think he's doing?" Bakugo growled.
With no hesitation or word to us, he started to run down the the center, where it seemed that the real fight was beginning.
"Hey, Bakugo, wait," Kirishima called after him.
Bakugo didn't even bother to turn around, so Kirishima started to follow after him. Without a choice, I trailed along as well, not wanting to be separated.
However, Bakugo was much faster than me, and Kirishima was as well. By the time I caught up with them, Bakugo had already attacked the villain with the warping quirk. Other students were helping as well, including Kisishima and the boy with red and white hair.
Now is no time to back down. I need to do what I can. Prove why I should be here.
Mr. Aizawa had already been carried away by the time I got down there. Bakugo had the warp villain pinned down, and the rest of us were standing on guard. However, this fight was far from over as the monster broke away from his ice lock, instantly going after Bakugo, but in the speed of light, Bakugo was thrown over to the rest of us. As we all got ready for another attack, All Might instructed us to stay back. All Might then went after the monster called Nomu, blasting powerful air waves, making impossible to move. The fight was intense, but All Might was finally able to end it with one final blow, sending him flying.
However, the bodies around us slowly started to get back up, and All Might was about to take on the two leaders of the group. The green haired boy decided to intervene, and we couldn't help but all stare on shock. But when everything seemed to so bleak, a gun shot came from the entrance. We all looked up to see all of the other pro-heroes at UA. I couldn't help but feel relief come over my body as they started to take down the thugs so easily. Unfortunate, though, the warp villain and creep with the hand on his face were still able to make their escape.
"Hey, we're all supposed to head to the front entrance," Kirishima told us, running our way.
"What about Deku? He just gets to stay down there?" Bakugo snarled.
"I think he was hurt," Kirishima told him.
"Of course he is," Bakugo rolled his eyes. "What a weakling."
We all went to the front gate. The police showed up, and they checked on all of us. We were given a report on everyone who was injured, including Mr. Aizawa, Deku, who I assumed was the green haired boy, and All Might. Then, we all loaded the bus to be taken back to campus.
"(Y/N), I'm glad to see you're okay!" Mina said, taking the open seat next to me. "Where did you end up?"
"With Kirishima and Bakugo," I told her.
"And she was completely useless," Bakugo mumbled under his breath.
I was about to respond, but Kirishima beat me to it, "Stop that, she was a huge help actually. I don't know what her quirk did to those villains, but they literally couldn't move. The were sitting targets for Bakugo. If anything, Bakugo, you should be thanking her."
"As if," Bakugo grumbled, sitting back in his seat.
"You know, I love a girl who can hold her own in a fight. That's so sexy," the short purple boy said to me, trying to squeeze his way between Mina and me.
"Mineta, get out- wait a second, guys, we never all introduced ourselves to, (Y/N)," Mina realized.
"She's right, how rude of us," the flamboyant blond added.
"We were all excited about today's training- I didn't even realize," the tall girl with black hair commented.
All around the bus, they all started to introduce each other. Ochako even explained to me who Deku was. The rest of the ride we talked about the training, and I didn't have a whole lot to say, seeing as it was my first day; but it definitely was a first day that I was never going to forget.

Rude Boy: (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)
FanfictionThis is my first MHA fanfic and I am beyond excited to work on it. However, much like the Tsuki story I am writing, this one was more requested and will only be worked on periodically when I can, but I hope you like it :)