Chapter 11

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Angel's eyes widen to what he just heard. "W-what?" Angel said leaning as close as he could get to Alastor.

"Angel! Make a deal with me that you'll marry me! A deal is a deal right?!" Alastor screamed, his eyes filled with plead and love. "Will you marry me, Angel? Will you be mine forever?"

Angel could feel his tears running along his cheeks as he smiled. "Of course, you are my Strawberry Pimp right?!" Angel cried, reaching his hand toward Alastor's before they finally touched. Green flames blew everwhere, knocking the angels away as Alastor pulled Angel into his arms.

"I got you.... I got you...Mon cher... My Angel." Angel smiled softly as Alastor whispered into his ear. "I love you." Was all Angel was able to say until annoyed screams could be heard.

"No! This can not happen! An angel and a demon can't be together!"

A smirk spread across Angel's face as he turn around to face the two angels. "I think Angel Dust and demons go together well."

"Anthony, sweetie, you don't belong here anymore." The first angel spoke trying to reason with Angel.

"We'll find a way to break that horrible curse that was put apond you. We can say that he forced you and it'll be overruled." The second angel joined in.

Angel looked up and down at the females in front of him. "First of all, stop calling me, 'Anthony', that is not my name anymore. Second, weren't you two listening that I agreed to marry the love of my afterlife? You gals might be terrifying as fuck but you are as stupid as some of these fucking Harley Quinn babies down here. And lastly," Angel's eyes narrowed as he snarled at them, "I never wanted to be an angel in the first place. I am perfectly fine here with my FIANCEE and my friends."

A light shot down from the sky, landing on the two angels. "We have to go now, Anthony."

"You can call us when you change your mind."

"Or we could just kill you when the next cleansing come."

Angel laughed at their taunts. "Like I said I will never join you and I don't think your angel weapons will have an effect on me anymore." With those parting words the angels left. It was silent for a few moments before two laughters filled the air.

"Mon cher you really know how to ruffle their feathers." Alastor said wrapping his arms around Angel. "Well if it wasn't for your fast thinking, I wouldn't be here right now."

Angel could feel the smirk on Alastor's face. "And what about you saying you wouldn't last five seconds in heaven?"

"Come on you saw those crazies, they would had done anything to keep me in heaven. By Lucifer's name they are worst than Val." Angel said through his chuckles. Alastor's hand brushed up against Angel's cheek as they stared into each other's eyes. "So....when's the wedding?"

Alastor smiled solfty at Angel's question. "Whenever you are ready mon cher. For now, lets go and tell everyone the news."

Angel grinned as he said. "Charlie and Nifty are going to freak out. But before that can I get out of these clothes? They are uncomfortable. "

It was almost noon when Angel and Alastor got to the hotel. It took a while for Angel find an outfit that could it fit him. He finally settled upon a light blue dress with flower embroidered into the dress, his hair down in long waves.

"Are you ready to go in, mon cher?" Angel heard Alastor ask

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"Are you ready to go in, mon cher?" Angel heard Alastor ask. With a deep breath and a nod, Alastor opened the door. Murmurs could be heard throughout the lobby when they walked in, all in wonder who was the being that was next to the Radio Demon. "Carry along everyone. Husker please come with us to Charlie's office." Alastor said waving his hand as if nothing was wrong.

A gasp could be heard as a figure zoomed toward the couple. "I know that dress anywhere! Mr. Angel Dust is that you?!" Nifty screamed, her tiny body standing on Angel's hips, her hands holding onto Angel's shoulder for balance. All Angel could do was smile as more muttering filled the room. "Hey Nifty, it's nice to see you too."

"What is going on here!?" A familiar yell echoed throughout the room and everything went quiet. Looking ahead there was Vaggie, her arms crossed with Charlie right next to her. Alastor's smile grew, "Ah Vagatha! Charlie! Just the girls we wanted to see. Mind if we have a friendly private little chat." Alastor explained and with a snapped of his fingers the three girls and boys were in Charlie's office.

"So Al, who is your friend?" Charlie said taking a few glances between the two. It was Angel's turn to speak up, a knowing smirk on his face. "Awww come on Charlie I know I look a little different but this is ridiculous. Ok here's a little hint, I used to be Hell's number one pornstar."

Angel watched as the gears clicked into place and burst of laughing at their reaction. "A-Angel Dust?" Vaggie stammered, grabbing onto the base of Charlie's desk. Charlie just stood there in awe. "So...does this mean demons can be redeemed?"

"Yes it appears so my dear. Heard it right from the exterminator's mouth." Alastor replied. Charlie covered her mouth as tears sparkle in her eyes. "Oh my gosh, my idea works."

"Wait? If Angel is redeemed why is he here?" Vaggie asked as the couple looked at each other. "I didn't want to leave my friends. I especially didn't want to leave Alastor. So...Al and I made a deal for us to get married." Angel explained a slight blush on his cheeks. It was now Nifty's turn to freak out as she zoomed around the room screaming 'yes, yes, yes.'

"Is that even allowed? An angel and demon together? What if they take you back?" Husk said in his corner ot the room, hidden worry in his voice as he took a drink of his booze.

"Well they can't break a demon's deal, so I wouldn't worry about it Husker." Alastor answered with a smile

"So what is going to happen now?" Charlie said followed by Nifty screaming when the wedding going to happen. Angel and Alastor just looked at each other and laughed as they pulled one another close.

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