Chapter 8

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A/N: I know I've been dead for a while but that's because I've been busy with final projects and exams, not to mention the holidays. But I'm back into writing. So, more Alastor x Angel for you guys and I hope you enjoy!

It was the afternoon and Angel was in the living room petting Fat Nuggets. He hasn't seen Alastor since last night. "I don't know what's going to happen Nuggs. Is this going to be the end for us?" Angel sighed and laid down on the couch. "Yesterday went too far and I don't know how to fix it."

"There is nothing to fix, mon cher."

Angel flinched when he heard Alastor's voice, looking up he saw him walking into the doorway. "Hey Al, how did you sleep?" Angel said with a nervous smile. Alastor took his seat on a chair next to the couch before speaking. "Not well if I'm being honest."

Angel sat up and placed his pig on the ground. "Are you going to break up with me?...." Angel said quietly. He saw Alastor smiled sadly and grabbed his hand. "No, mon cher. I'm not going to break up with you. We both did things that we regret. So, lets call it even. Though it is obvious that our honeymoon phase is gone."

Angel nodded and squeezed Alastor's hand. "So, what now?"

"I'm going to tell you everything. I thought giving you a basic summary would suffice but clearly I was wrong."

Angel raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend. "You are saying the full version is worst?"

"Just let me explain."

Alastor made his way down the long hallway to Lucifer's office. It's been a long time since he met up with his friend. Though today isn't going to be a friendly cup of tea with an old friend.

Alastor let out a sigh and knocked on the door. "Come in, Alastor." With a smile, Alastor walked in and saw Lucifer standing behind his desk looking out of the floor to ceiling window.

"Always the one who wants to make a dramatic scene." Alastor said as Lucifer chuckled and turned around. "You are the one to talk, Alastor. You love the more exciting things the universe has to offer."

It was Alastor's turn to chuckle. "Enough of the small talk, my friend, I have some more important matters to talk about." Alastor took his seat as Lucifer made his way to his chair. The two demons just stared at each other for a moment before Alastor spoke again. "As you know I've been seeing Angel Dust for a while now."

Lucifer smiled at the fact. "Yes and congratulations to the both of you. Though I have to admit it was quite surprising since both of you are from two different classes and lifestyle."

Alastor straightened himself in his chair. "Well there is a saying opposites attract." Lucifer laughed and agreed with the statement, commenting how him and his wife were different as well when they first met. "So, what does this meeting have to do with your lover?"

Alastor took a deep breath before answering. "I want to tell him about our deal." The air became hot and Lucifer's face that was once a calm and collective was now twisted with anger. "Alastor, I thought we agreed that no other sinner should know about our deal."

"Yes, but your wife knows and she wasn't in the room when we made our deal. So it make sense for me to tell my partner." Alastor eyes narrowed as Lucifer rambled on how Lilith was different, how she is the queen and the queen should now what does on in hell. "Yes, but you are forgetting that your lovely wife is also a sinner in the eyes of heaven. So, you technically broke our deal but since our deal only states that you can only have your power back when I am erased, and since I can't kill you, our deal still stands. So like I said my friend, it only make sense for me to tell Angel, to level the playing field."

Alastor leaned back in amusement as he watched Lucifer stuggling to make an arguement. It was true that his friend was powerful but they both know when it comes to debates, Alastor was the one on top. Lucifer's eyes narrowed at him. "How do you know you can trust this Angel Dust, he is nothing but a drug addicted sex crazed maniac?"

Alastor's smile grew tight and his eyes started to glow red. "You don't see me belittling your wife Lucifer, so don't you do that to Angel. As for your lack of knowledge, Angel has been clean from drugs and selling himself for three months and he showed that he is loyal to only me for the pass two. Even when his old clients some to flirt with him, he doesn't want anything to do with them. He actually holds out the whistle I gave him to summon me. A 'drug and sex crazed maniac' wouldn't do that."

The room went silent after that. The only sound that could be heard was the ticking of a grandfather clock that was in the hallway. Lucifer sighed after a few minutes and looked into Alastor's eyes. "Fine you can tell your lover about our deal but if he tells another sinner, he and whoever he told will be erased. That includes your friends....even my daughter if I have too."

Alastor's eyes widen and stood up from his chair. "Have you gone mad Lucifer?! I would get the other sinners but you will not touch my Angel, nor Charlotte and her friends that she holds dear! In case you are forgetting, you have me looking out for Charlotte and make sure she is always happy! If you do that she will never be happy and will hate you for the rest of her life!" Alastor grinded his teeth as radio dials shown in his eyes.

Lucifer didn't show to care at the Radio Demon's rage and he just looked at him and said. "Then I would just erase my daughter's memories from ever knowing that sinner and she'll be happy."

Radio static could be heard and Alastor leaned forward so he was face to face with the King. "If you have the power to erase memories then why don't you just erase the memories of the sinners if Angel slips, which I know he won't."

"That is because it is easier to kill then to erase the memories, it also helps with the over population. But if you are so positive that your lover won't tell about our deal, I'll give him a year. If he doesn't tell any sinner about our deal by that time, I won't touch him."

Alastor took in a breath and held out his hand. "Ok, you have yourself a deal."

Angel sat there staring at Alastor for a long moment. " are saying...."

"I would rather kill you myself than have Lucifer kill you. At least I know I'll have your death be quick and painless. Lucifer would torture you if you gets his hands on you. So mon cher, you have a year to prove to him that you are loyal and that you can keep secrets."

Angel nodded his head, still trying wrap his head around this. If he did kill Alastor last night, then Lucifer would had came and killed him. Angel blinked when he saw Alastor stood up from his chair. "I'm going to make some lunch, is there anything you want?" Angel shook his head. "Surprise me."

Alastor smiled and walked out of the room and into the kitchen but he stopped and his smile fell a bit as he pulled out a piece of paper.

Dear Alastor,
Let's add this to our deal, if you can get your lover to marry you then you don't have to worry about the year time limit.
What do you say my friend, do we have a deal?

Alastor read the note one last time before green flames engulfed the paper.

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