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Angel was in his old room at the hotel, playing with his hair in front of the mirror. "Hmmm, well it's not perfect but it'll do." Angel said, huffing out a sign. A small oink filled Angel's ears and he turn around with a smile. "Do you think it looks good Nuggs?" Again, another oink was hear, only more happy as the little pig nuzzles into Angel's leg.

Angel gently picked up Fat Nuggets and held him close to his chest. "Thanks Nuggs. Now come on lets go down, everyone is waiting."

It wasn't even a few seconds of Angel arriving down stairs for him to notice the chaos in the main lobby. Hundreds of sinners pushing and shoving each other. Angel couldn't help but laugh to himself, knowing Charlie would be happy with all the new guests.

"This is bullshit! There is no way a sinner can be redeemed. I bet this is just all a bad ass lie!" A voice coming from the middle of the room. All of the other sinners even stopped their conversations to listen to the big lizard demon. "Come on think about it, we have been here for 10 minutes now and there is no sign of this "Angel" anywhere!"

Angel could see other demons agreeing with him and they were going to leave. Well, I guess this is my cue to make an entrance.
"Hello everysinners, my apologies for keeping you all waiting. You have no idea how hard it is to alter your old clothes to fit your new body." As Angel walked down the stairs he saw both amazement and sceptical in their eyes but he ignored them and walked straight to the lizard demon. "Still call this 'bullshit' toots?" Angel questions looking up at the 9 foot demon.

The demon glared at him. "This must be some glamour magic the princess used on a random sinner."

"I'm flattered you still see me attractive in this form as well, My Cutie Patootie." Angel giggled as he watched the realization hit the demon's face. Angel took this time to bring his wings out and fly so that he was face to face with the demon. "It's been so long since "Mommy" had seen her little man." Angel said with a pout.

"A-A-Angel D-Dust?" The demon stuttered and Angel just grinned at him. "Hello again, as you can see I don't look like the way I did before. So, if you can listen to your "Mommy" and your "Aunts" and "Grandpa", you can also be free from your sins." Angel cooed at sinner, who was turning red from embarrassment.

"B-But why are you s-still here?" He asked and Angel just smiled sweetly. "Because I made a deal with your "Daddy", speaking of which there he is. Be a good boy now ok? Don't give your "family" a whole lot of trouble or you'll make "Mommy" really sad." He gave the sinner a pinch on the cheek before flying into Alastor's arms.

"You look lovely mon cher. What made you decided to cut your hair?"

"Thanks Al, and I at least wanted to look somewhat like my old demon self." Angel smiled bittersweetly.

"Well no matter what you look like you will always be mine....Did you really had to make a display of that?" Alastor whispered into Angel's ear, "I think you just gave that sinner a hard on and I'm not happy about that, mon cher."

Angel giggled at Alastor's hidden threat. "Relax Al, he is not into sex. Everytime he paid for my time was to play as "Mommy". He had a lonely childhood and always wanted a mother. He will listen to me especially since I told him that I would be sad if he did not follow the rules."

"So, you are saying...." Angel could feel his cheeks heating up as Alastor placed a finger under his chin. "You don't need to worry about him, Al. Besides," Angel smiled and held out his left hand, relieving a silver engagement ring, "we made a deal and with that deal I vowed to only be with you and only you."

Alastor chuckled at Angel's response as the lovers kissed. "So, are you ready to go?" Alastor said once the parted.

"You know I am." Was all Angel said before Alastor teleported them.

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