Chapter 3

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Angel and Alastor were back at the hotel. Their conversation heavy on Angel's mind. Alastor wrapped an arm around Angel's shoulder to which the spider demon smiled at him.

Angel looked forward and saw the girls running up to them. "Mr. Alastor! Mr. Angel Dust! What happened?! Did you asked the question?! Are you two getting married?!" Nifty excitedly asked her questions, zooming between the two demons.

"No, they are not going to get married, it's too soon for that." Said Vaggie, her arms crossed. Charlie was laughing nervously when it was her turn to speak. "As you can see, we had a lot to talk about."

Alastor chuckled and grabbed Angel's hand. "Well if you must know, I asked Angel if he would like to live with him at my manor. Of course, we would still come to the hotel to help out." Angel blinked and tried to hide his surprise, instead he rested his head on Alastor's shoulder and smiled. "And I agree to his offer. His manor is lovely and cozy."

Nifty was jumping and zooming around. "Hurray! My best friend is going to be in the two places I work!" Vaggie let out a satisfying smile and Charlie was clapping and congratulating them.

"Yes, thank you for helping me with my plan, and my apologies for not filling you in on the whole thing. I didn't want to ruin the surprise." All three girls nod in understanding. Angel took this time to move away from Alastor. "Well, I'm going to go to my room and pack."

"Do you need help Mr. Angel Dust?" Nifty asked looking up at Angel with a big smile. Angel shared the smile and shook his head. "Nah, I'm good Nifty, but thank you for the offer." With that Angel walked up the stairs to his floor and finally to his room. Once the door was finally closed, Angel collapsed. Tears flowing down his face as he hyperventilate.

Can you keep a secret, mon cher?

No one must know.

My powers came from Lucifer.

I am his personal assassin.

I love you, Angel.

I would have to kill you.

Small oinks caught Angel's attention and he saw Fat Nuggets at his feet. More tears flow down his cheek. "Oh Nuggs, what am I going to do?" The tiny pig tilted his head and Angel let out a broken laugh. "I'm sorry buddy but I can't tell you."

You are my fallen angel

You are my beauty

You are my sunshine

You are my dear

My love

My everything

But I will kill you if you break this deal.

Panic and fear was running through Angel, his body shaking. He closed his eyes tightly and grabbed at his hair.

He wouldn't kill me right? He loves me. He said he couldn't picture a life without me. Why did he tell me all of that?! He said he trust me. He said that I proved that I was loyal to him. He knew that I wouldn't do anything to hurt him.

But why say that he would have to kill me? I mean I know it's a deal but I wasn't part of that deal. So the deal wouldn't be broken. Or was it just a way to keep me quiet. Yeah just a bluff, a joke, a messed up joke but a joke. I mean this isn't the first time Alastor made a death joke. But he wasn't laughing. He was serious.

Angel covered his mouth and started to cough and gag. He could feel Fat Nuggets digging in his pocket, looking for the whistle. Angel's eyes shock open and stood up so Fat Nuggets wouldn't get the whistle. The action making him dizzy and he fell back to his hands and knees. Panting and coughing, sweat covering his body.

I love you

You amazed me

You taste so sweet

I won't let anyone touch or hurt you

I might not be able to control myself

You are too special to eat

Your blood




I haven't had blood that sweet in a while.

If you ever tell anyone about this I would have to kill you.

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