Chapter 7

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Angel walked outside and saw Alastor cleaning the pool. Nervously, Angel stepped closer. "Hey Al." Alastor looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Hello, my dear. Why aren't you in your swimwear? Unless you are planning on swimming in you actual clothes."

Angel laughed and waved his hands in front of him. "No, I um....I didn't know which swimsuit to wear."

Alastor smile grew. "Well if you want my opinion, I would choose the fancy red one."

"You always pick red. Is there any other color you like and don't say any other shades of red or black." Angel said crossing his arms, being very careful with his upper left arm.

Alastor pondered for a few moments and said. "How about that dark blue one with the flowers on it?" Angel smiled widely and nodded. "Ok, I'll go up and get it."

Angel was about to leave when Alastor stopped him. "How about I snap my fingers and you don't have to worry about it?" Again,Angel laughed. "Thanks but no thanks Al, I'll be find with doing it on my own."

For the second time, Angel tries to leave but again Alastor spoke. "You know I heard this lovely story from one of my shadows today."

"That's great Alastor, I'll listen to it when I get back." There was a snap and Angel finds himself in a lounge chair and Alastor was looming over him with an unsettling smile on his face. Angel swallowed nervously as he looked into Alastor's eyes. They were filled with pain and disappointment.

"You see Angel, I sent one of my shadows to your room a little while ago." Angel froze as his eyes widen in horror. He tried to get up from the chair but Alastor grabbed his top arms, and pinned them to his side. Angel let out a cry when he felt the sharp pain from his injuries. "Angel, tell me. Why did you do it?"

His grip tighten and Angel was now for sure that his wounds had opened up. Angel glared up at him and pushed Alastor back. "You want to know why? You embarrassed me in from of our friends and you expect me to forget about it?! Think that I'll gladly take it! Think that I'll say 'Thanks Al!' 'I'm so happy that you publicly shamed me, Al!'"

Angel was breathing heavily, he was filled with rage and humiliation. He stomped closer towards Alastor and to his surprised, Alastor took a step back. "You think that I like being intimate in front of people? You think I am that kind of masochist! You sadistic talkshow shitlord!" Angel grabbed onto Alastor's jacket and pulled him up to glare into his eyes. "YOU ARE WORST THAN VAL!" Angel screamed and threw Alastor into the pool. He watch as Alastor fell into the deep end and frantically swam back to the surface.

The pair looked at each other, angry eyes met shocked eyes. "Angel, let me explain." Angel sucked in a breath between his teeth. "There is nothing to explain!" Angel dived into the pool, dragging Alastor down under.

Kill him. Kill him and then be free.

Angel grinned sadistically as he watched Alastor struggled to get the upper hand. Angel used his second pair of arms to grab Alastor's hands so that he wouldn't snap his fingers.

Kill him and the deal will be broke! Kill him and I won't have to die! I will not be erased!

Two sets of hands grabbed Angel and pulled him away from Alastor. Angel's eyes widen in shock as he saw Alastor's shadows. Angel let out a growl as he was pulled into the air. Looking down he saw Alastor getting out of the pool, coughing up whatever water was in his lungs.

"You motherfucker! Why did you do that?!"

Alastor looked up at Angel and glared at him. "Saving the both of us, what else would I be doing!" He was panting heavily as he pulled his wet bangs out of his face. If Angel wasn't so angry he would had thought that was hot.

Alastor gave his shadows a silent command and they lowers Angel to a near by chair. To which shadowy hands were replaced with tentacles to lock him in place. Angel was still fuming by the time Alastor took the seat in front of him. When Angel took a look in Alastor's eyes, he was surprised that he saw shame in them instead of angry like he thought.

"Believe me, I am not happy that you tried to drown me but I'll deal with that later. As for now Angel, it looks like I've cause you a lot of anxiety and pain." Angel was taking a back by Alastor's words. Why isn't he yelling at him, scolding him, or even hurting him? "I'm sorry for embarrassing you but what you saw wasn't our friends. Just my shadows pretending to be them. Honestly, Angel do you really think that I would had embarrassed myself in the process?"

Angel grind his teeth. "So, you are saying it was all of this was for nothing. That I'm over reacting?" He wished that his arms were free he would had sucker punched Alastor right in his mouth.

Alastor shook his head. "No Angel, I'm saying your reaction was valid to some degree. I mean it was like me getting angry at you for saying that I had a 'dirty mind'. I will admit that I went a little overboard with the show. I understand that I crossed some major boundaries."

Angel blinks and felt himself relaxed a bit. Alastor smiled sweetly at him and Angel couldn't help but to give him a small smile in return. "So tell me, my dear. What are your boundaries? I don't want an event like this to happen again."

Angel felt tears in his eyes as the tenticals released themselves off of him. Someone that wants to respect him. For the first time in over 70 years, someone actually wants to listen to him. "Well um.... for starters I don't like being intimate in front of people. I mean yeah, I'm ok with flirting and a little bit of teasing but anything more than that I would like it to be more private."

Angel looked at Alastor and saw that he was actually writing stuff down. Angel smiled nervously at that. "Uh.... I don't like it when people don't listen to me or think they know what is best for me. I have my own opinion and I don't care how well you know me. You don't put words in my mouth and tell me that I have to do this."

He saw Alastor let out a knowing smirk to that, having just witnessed that. "And lastly.... I don't like when people bring up what I used to do. Or have them think that I am still the same person that I was before. I mean come on Al, I'm been clean for 2 months, surely that is something. I only have the eyes for you."

Once Alastor finished writing what he needed to write, he made the notebook disappear. "Thank you for telling me, mon cher, and if there are anymore in the future. Please, feel free to tell me."

Angel smile and nodded. "Will do, Al." Alastor lead back in his chair as if he was finally able to relax.

"You are vicious when you are mad." Alastor chuckled. "If it wasn't towards me, I would had kissed you. You looked so beautiful. Your eyes were sharp and that grin that you made, it was perfection."

Angel blushed at Alastor's complements and leaned forward in his seat. "So, do you want to make out?" Alastor snapped his head back to look at Angel, his eyes narrowed. "No Angel. I think it is best for us to have a little space between us. We can still talk and cook together but nothing more for now."

Angel looked down a bit. "Can I-"

"Angel, no. I'm not going to reward you for your bad behavior." Alastor sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Angel, you have no idea how bad it would had been if you had killed me."

"What would had happened?" Angel tilted his head.

With a groan, Alastor stood up from his chair. "I'll tell you later, mon cher. A lot has happened today and I don't want to add more fuel to the fire." Alastor held out his hand to Angel. "Come on, it's time for some needed sleep for both of us. I'm going to walk you back to your room."

Angel smiled and took Alastor's hand. "Still a gentleman at heart.... I'm sorry for saying that you were worst than Val...."

"Don't worry, mon cher. At the time, I was..... I won't make that mistake again."

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