Chapter 4

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It's been two hours since Angel's meltdown and he was no where near finished packing when there was a knock at his door.

"Nifty, I told you I didn't want any help!" Angel called out.  After hearing the door open, Angel was going to turn around and yell at the tiny cyclop, when he froze to who he saw standing there.

Alastor stood in the doorway, leaning on his microphone. He looked around at the mess of Angel's packing and smiled. "Well I may not be the little darling but from the looks of it, you do need some help."

Angel crossed his arms and looked down at the piled of clothes. "Well, this is very last minute. You didn't even ask for my consent if I even wanted too."

"Mon cher, I believe you did when we were talking to our friends. You could had  easily said no and that it was too soon to live together." Angel closed his eyes and blushed in embarrassment. He knew Alastor was right, he was always right. Always a few steps ahead from everyone. Angel jumped a bit when he felt Alastor's hand touch his shoulder. "Angel, are you ok? You seem stressed ever since our talk."

Sighing, Angel grabbed Alastor's hand and smiled. "It's a lot to take in. I mean this is a big step in our relationship." Alastor nodded in agreement and planted a kiss on Angel's forehead. "It'll get easier over time, I can promise you that."

Angel smiled and kiss Alastor on the lips. "I hope so. Now, I need to finish my packing." By the time Angel turned around all of his belongings were gone. Annoyed, Angel didn't even bothered to look at Alastor. "Al, where did all my stuff go?"

"At my manor, where they belong."

"How do I know you didn't thrown anything away?"

Alastor chuckled and petted Angel's hair. "Don't worry, everything is at the manor. Clothes, wigs, shoes in the closet and your.... toys are in a different room."

Angel nod and stood up from the floor. "Alright, but you better show me which room it is." Alastor smiled, "Deal and if anything is missing, I'll buy you a new one."

Angel burst out laughing at his boyfriend's deal. "I might just lie to you just to see you in a sex shop." Alastor's eyes narrowed, "I could easily get rid of everything you know."

Angel just kept on laughing and wrapped his arms around Alastor, staring into his eyes. "Toys are fun but I much prefer you and your little tricks." Alastor took a step back and Angel could see that he was blushing. "Angel, now it's not the time."

Angel nuzzles against Alastor and smiled. "It was worth to see the look on your face." Alastor smile became more gentle and he too wrapped his arms around Angel. "You truly are a beautiful fallen angel."

"Heaven wouldn't last five minutes of me." Angel grinned.

Alastor shared the grin as he said. "Heaven couldn't handle you for a minute."

"Awww Al, you flatter me. Actually all I need to say is, 'I bet Jesus Bitch and Big Daddy fuck all the time' and I'll be set down so fast it'll be a new record." The couple laughed and pulled closer in their embrace. Angel felt safe in Alastor's arms.

These hands will rip you apart and enjoy eating you alive.

Angel closed his eyes tightly and grabbed onto Alastor's jacket.

Leave me alone. Let me have this moment of peace with him.

But you know he would do that when he has to. He already loves your blood. What would happen when he taste your flesh? He will not stop until there is nothing left.

Go away! My Strawberry Pimp is NOT like that!

But Mon cher, don't you see. He IS like that. He might have some self control now but given the chance-

"Angel, are you ok? You're grabbing on rather tightly."

Angel opened his eyes and pulled back with a smile. "Sorry Al, I just wanted to be so close to you that I didn't know how else to do it." Alastor smiles and kissed Angel's hand. "Very well mon cher. Now, shall we get going to our home? It's almost evening and I was thinking making dinner together."

For the first time since their talk, Angel's eyes lighten up and smiled widely. "Oh, I would love that! What are we going to make?" Alastor chuckled and rubs Angel's cheek. "Whatever you want."

Angel raised an eyebrow and smirks. "Whatever I want, huh?" Alastor rolled his eyes and shakes his head. "Food Angel, only food." Angel chuckled and walked around Alastor and to the door.

"I was thinking about food. Where was your mind at, Strawberry Pimp?" Alastor's eyes widen and covers his eyes with his hand. "Looks like I'm not the only one with a dirty mind, Al." Angel walked out of his old room.

Alastor growled and followed after Angel. "That's because more then half of the time that is all you think about!"

"I may joke about it Al, but most of the time I'm just thinking about cute couple sruff we can do. Like cuddling and listening to the radio." Angel was walking backwards down the hall, his top arms crossed behind his head and his second pair crossed in front of him.

Alastor was fuming with embarrassment, his eyes radio dials. "Angel, my dear, do not test me."

Angel smirk grew. "Or what? Going to be me one of though friendly reminders?" Before Angel could even know, tenticals grabbed his neck, and all four of his arms. Alastor a few inches away from his face. Angel swallowed nervously. "Al?" Alastor hushed him with a grin, his radio dial eyes still staring at him. "This isn't going to be a friendly reminder, my dear." With a snapped, the pair disappeared from the hotel.

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