Chapter 5

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Angel finds himself in a dark room. "Al? Alastor? Are you there?" He called out. A spotlight was casted upon him, blinding him for a few seconds as music started to play.

I see a nose that belongs on a coin
And there's that smile with a secret inside
Angel could hear Alastor singing from somewhere in the dark. He looked around at the never ending darkness, staying inside of spotlight just to feel safe.

And here are two eyes that are bright
With a mischievous light
You try, but can't quite hide
It was then Alastor stepped into the light. His arms behind his back, a calm smile on his face. The pair stared into each other's eyes and Angel smiled. "Oh Alastor." Alastor hush Angel with a finger to Angel's lips.

Oh, there's that voice with the promise of sin
And on those lips are the promise of bliss
Alastor took a step closer to Angel, running his finger along Angel's lips, making Angel blush in the process.

And I know that your embrace
Is a treacherous place
There's danger in your kiss
Alastor rans his hand down Angel's cheek, to his neck, shoulder and landing it over Angel's heart. Angel shivered at the touch, making Alastor smirk. Ones he finished the sentence, he jumped back into the darkness. Angel tried to reach for him, but stop once he couldn't see him anymore.

This is the face of a sinner
A man could easily worship for all of his days
Angel gasped when he felt Alastor's hands grab his shoulders, pulling him possessivly towards his chest. Alastor's head nuzzled neatly between Angel's shoulder and neck. Angel could feel Alastor's grin against his fur.

But, a man could as easily lose his sanity
Deciphering your gaze
Angel could feel his heart beating faster as Alastor's hands slowly ran down his shoulder and torso. Only for everything to snap into place and they were in a starting dance position.

You are vain and you are heartless and yet
I can feel in you a shade of sadness
That's barely detectable
That I still want you at all
I may live to regret
Alastor lead Angel into a slow waltz. He wasn't sure if he should be offended by what Alastor was singing.

You're deceitful
You're delectable
Alastor's grin turned into a smirk and Angel raised an eyebrow. Only shortly after having Alastor's tenticals grab him and pulled him backwards to a wall. The spotlight splitting into two to show both of them.

You see the fate of a man
Who has had the misfortune
To spend his life caught in your sway
Angel could tell that his whole face was red as Alastor slowly walked towards him. The Radio Demon's eyes were half closed and full of mischief.

I see Angel Dust
Alastor loosen his tie with his finger, staring deep into Angel's eyes.

My Angel Dust
Slowly, Alastor took off his jacket, letting it fall to the floor. He was only a foot away from Angel now.

And I like him that way
Yes, I like him just that way
Angel closed his eyes when Alastor caresses his cheek but to open them up again when Alastor whispered 'yes' in his ear. Angel swallowed as Alastor moves his hand down his jacket.

And, I want you that way
With his other hand, Alastor made Angel look at him. Leaning closer to kiss him and just as they were about to kiss, Alastor pulled away.

Alastor clapped his hands a few times. "Alright girls. I hope you enjoyed the little show?" Angel's eyes widen in terror. "Wait? What?!"

Lights filled the room and there sat Nifty, Charlie, Vaggie, Mimzy, and his friend Cherri. Angel could feel the color drain from his face when he realized what was going on. Nifty was fangirling over to was she just witnessed. Charlie looked slightly uncomfortable and Vaggie was annoyed, most likely Alastor dragged them here. Mimzy had a smug look on her face and Cherri with a video camera in her hands. Which only add the horror to Angel.

"Damn Angie, where can I get a man like that!?" Angel heard Cherri called out and Angel slowly sat himself on the ground, covering his face. 

What's wrong? You're usually not this embarrass when performing.

Well I'm usually high off my ass so that I can cope with the abuse and stares! It helps me not worry about what I am doing!

Angie, sweetie, relax. It's only your friends.

That's the point! I don't like having my friends watch me. It's embarrassing! It's kind of like them or your family walked in when you are having sex. Sure, I'll probably make a joke out of it but is just another coping mechanism.

Awww, does the little spider demon not like having people watch him in sexual and vulnerable situations?

I hate you. Why don't you just go away?!

Angel blinked when he saw a hand in front of him. Looking up he sees Alastor with his usual smile on. "My apologizes, mon cher but I did warn you not to test me. Next time I won't let you out so easily."

Angel nodded and takes Alastor's hand. The two stared into each other before the shared embrace. Angel already feeling relaxed and comfortable.

"Thank you for joining us, ladies. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your evening." Vaggie was going to scream at Alastor for something but he snapped his fingers and all five of them were gone.

"That was a cruel trick Alastor." Angel said, crossing his arms and looking away.

"I thought you like my tricks, mon cher?" Alastor replied with a satisfied smile on his face.

Angel tried to fight back his tears but couldn't. Taking a deep shakey breath and turning to Alastor, he let his rage out. "Yeah when we are ALONE and NOT WITH A BUNCH OF SINNERS WATCHING! ESPECIALLY OUR FRIENDS!"

Alastor took a step back, realizing his mistake. "Angel. I am so sorry. I promise I won't do that ever again." He held out his hand and green magic swirled around it. "We can make a deal on it if that'll help put your mind at ease."

Angel stared at Alastor's hand and with a sigh, Angel put Alastor's hand away and kissed his cheek. "I believe you Al but you owe me. The next time you make me mad or embarrassed, I'll do something to make you embarrassed."

Alastor nodded in understanding. "Very well mon cher.... would you like to make some dinner?"

Angel smiled at the question. "Yeah. I am in the mood for something with strawberries in it."
A/N: Go check out this lovely person and their animatic. This gave me the inspiration for this chapter and helped me clear my writer's block.

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