Chapter #24

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Angel POV:
I wake up in Hoppo office I said I had a seizure didn't I yes you did, and Quinn gave you a headache short. Okay. Can I go back to the tower I want to work. Okay just the tower nowhere else or back to my office. Okay I wouldn't go no were.

  I wish I could have a good day not Like this. I was good until that guy pushed me down.

Hey Angel, you, okay? Yes, I was thinking this time not a Seizure. Okay. Please let someone know if you feel like a seizure or anything happens. I will I don't like the seizures it keeping form working. Thank you. Can you walk me back to the tower please yes let go. We made it back to the tower I stop I said I feel weak. Okay let get you in and set you down Hoppo pick me up we made it to the tower.

Yak POV:
I see Hoppo come in with Angel in his arms. She fine I just didn't want her to walk yet and she wanted to work in the tower. Okay we keep an Eye on her. We stayed. In the tower until closeing time. We talk about our day when Angel said help then almost fell out of her chair but Taco and Glick catch her in time but she having a bad seizure. I put my jacket under her head. I asked who timing I am Glick said I start as she started to have the seizure. Thank you. Quinn is hold her on her side. She turning blue come on Angel breathe. She not breathing I yell oxygen mask. She stoped. I asked the time. 3mins. Okay. Let try to get her to breathe. All the boys is outside but me, Quinn, and Glick. She start to breathe. I asked Glick to get Hoppo and Jess. They came in. I asked Jess has she ever stop breathing before yes 2 time it normal for her as she had a really bad seizure after the hit to the head. Okay. I going to stay the night with you, Maxi, Quinn, and Angel. That fine I feel more safe if you guys is there. Where is everyone else they went home. Okay Hoppo you okay? Yes Angel Scared me that all I see you all at 11:00 tomorrow. Let me know if she need a day off or just a day in my office so we can keep an eye out on her. Will do. Bye Hoppo.

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