Cheapter #43

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Yak POV:
I have not seen Angel this bad before she had 2 seizures then stop breathing. I am keeping an eye on her in till we at the hospital. She starts to seize again shit not again. My co-worker Joy asked again yes it her 3rd Seizure. She only has 3 small seizures at a time this is her 3rd big seizure we are here she stops, and we run her in. I said a 22-year-old Name Sakura Pollock Has Seizure and Asthma. Only have seizure if sick or get hit in the head or has headaches. I work with her at Bondi Beach. Okay thank you. We going to do some tests and see what is happening. Okay. I went to the waiting room and see Yetsey I said they are doing some test. We need to tell Hoppo and Jess. Okay

Hi Hoppo they are dingo some test and I let you know what they said.

Okay I going to call Jess and let him know and not come out of his house in till he better.

Thank you.
Hoppo going to call Jess for us.

Hoppo POV:
I called Jess.

Hi Jess Angel had to go to the hospital Because she had 2 seizures and stop breathing on us.

What No I wasn't there she going to hate me. I'm sorry for not being there to help.

She not going to hate you. It okay Quinn came in time for the first one and he was there when the 2nd one happens. Don't Blame yourself. Don't come out until you're better.

Okay Hoppo Thank You for telling me please keep me updated.

We will. I hope you feel better soon.

Thank You and I try. See you soon, I hope.

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