Bonus Short Chapter #1: Beloved Eternity

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Roses are red, violets are blue.
It is the Day of Hearts in the Human World.
And in the Devildom, too!

The day after, at least.

Valentine's Day. The Day of Hearts. Lover's Day. Couple's Day. True Heart's Day.

A lot of names for this special day that is popular among couples. Although Valentine's Day is not limited to couples only, couples are the ones who mostly fill this special day with their love and hearts and kisses and dates.

Everyone is fully aware of this day. And apparently, a certain demon butler as well.

Barbatos, the demon who has the power of time and the butler of the future king of the Devildom, just started dating the girl of his dreams. She is a human exchange student from the Human World. Barbatos is aware that a lot of demons (and an angel and another human exchange student) had fallen for her charms, but the girl ended up dating him. And as Valentine's Day draws near, Barbatos tries thinking of ways to celebrate this special day with her. The worst part is he is already running out of time. Valentine's Day is already the next day and he doesn't have anything prepared.

As usual, he has good reasons for this. His master, Diavolo, wanted to hold an event at R.A.D. for the special occasion and he instructed Barbatos to oversee the preparations. He also has his own school works to finish. On top of all that, he has to organize everything that is needed for Diavolo's attention. Occasionally, he also has to assist Diavolo with the matters being dumped on him since his master tends to procrastinate or "has his attention being shifted on more important matters" as he says it.

As for the date, he doesn't want standard dates like dining in a restaurant, walking in the park, or shopping. Barbatos keeps in mind that the girl she is dating is really special. He literally opened up a lot of timeline's doors while drunk just to see if there is one where he and the girl would end up together. He doesn't want a common date. He wants a special date. Extravagant. Special. Truly one of a kind. One that is worthy for his special girl.

This date is not just Valentine's Day date. This would also serve as his and her first valentine's date as a couple! The pressure is really pressing on Barbatos, indeed.

"Barbatos! Hello!" a child's voice called out.

Barbatos is walking in the halls of RAD on the way to his next class before lunch. When he heard the voice of the little angel, he turned around with a smile.

"Luke! How are you?" Barbatos greeted.

"I am fine," Luke answered. "But I do need your help."

Luke is one of the angel exchange students from the Celestial Realm. Luke hates demons but grew fond of Barbatos as time passed because of his love of cooking. Barbatos became Lule's mentor in cooking as well. They bond over cooking dishes and sweets when they have the time.

"What do you need me for?" Barbatos asked the young angel.

"I need your help in whipping up a good chocolate for Valentine's Day!" Luke gleefully answered.

"My," Barbatos said. "Who are you planning on giving it to?"

"I am planning to make some for Michael, of course. I will make some for Simeon and Solomon as well and..." Luke paused with a blush.

"And?" Barbatos asked with a mischievous and intrigued smile.

"And... you know... her," Luke hesitated to say.

"You are not planning to steal my girlfriend away from me with chocolates, aren't you, Luke?" Barbatos teased.

"O-Of course not! I would never do such a thing! That would be mean!" Luke defended. "It is a thank you chocolate. Obligatory chocolate!"

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