Chapter #3: A One-Sided Date

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"Welcome to the demon lord's castle," Barbatos announced to her as soon as she stepped inside the castle's smooth, marble floor.

The girl took this all in and smiled at Barbatos, "I know that I have been here before because of the retreat, but I still couldn't help gawking over at everything!"

Barbatos chuckled a little. He found this behavior of hers, cute.

"What?" the girl smiled awkwardly at Barbatos. "Am I looking weird?"

Barbatos shook his head with a smile, "No," while adding to himself: "I think it is cute, actually."

"Uhh... hehe... shall we get to it?" the girl offered, meaning the cooking lesson.

"Of course," Barbatos said and motioned her towards the castle's kitchen. "This way. Please follow me."

The two arrived at the kitchen in no time.

While the House of Lamentation's kitchen has more of an antique flair to its design, the demon lord's castle's kitchen is as modern as the fanciest kitchens of the fanciest restaurants in the human world. The girl couldn't help feeling amazed.

"Welcome to the castle's kitchen," Barbatos said with a flourish.

"This kitchen is so much different than the kitchen in the House. Feels like I am back in the human world," she complimented.

"Is it?" Barbatos asked, wondering if she is thinking or longing for the human world.

"If she is, then I have to at least confess before she goes. Who knows if I will be able to do that when she goes back," Barbatos thought and paused before thinking, "Can I even do that? Confess?" Barbatos shook the thought away. Of course he can do it. He just needs the right time.

"So, what shall we cook first?" she asked excitedly, Barbatos couldn't help giggle.

"Well, I have planned something that everyone in the Devildom definitely loves," Barbatos replied as he put his apron on and gave one to the girl.

"Ooh! So a Devildom favorite, is it now?" the girl smiled and picked up a kitchen utensil. "Let's get cooking!"

The two enjoyed the afternoon cooking. The girl followed Barbatos's instructions, paid close attention, and made mental notes of every detail from the way the ingredients must be cleaned to the right temperature of the boiled water to the way it must be served to the plate before giving it to the one who ordered the meal.

"You are such a perfectionist in your way of doing this, aren't you, Barbatos?" the girl quipped.

"Am I?" Barbatos asked, amused, as he drizzled honey over the meal and placed leaves around the plate for a finishing touch.

"Yes, it is just magnificent, actually," the girl added.

Barbatos stood straight and smiled at the girl. "And that is how you make a perfect Stuffed Baked Lizard with Honey Drizzle. It best served with tea of the one who ordered's preference."

The girl snapped a picture of the meal on her D.D.D. and checked the photo.

"It is extremely perfect. It is a shame to eat it!" The girl exclaimed excitedly.

"Are you sure you don't want to take even a bite?" Barbatos asked, handing her a spoon.

The girl took it from his hands. "A meal made by Barbatos should not be wasted! It must be tasted!"

The butler smiled as the girl cut a piece of the meal and placed it inside her mouth. Barbatos couldn't help feel anxious as to what it might have tasted.

Barbatos knew that she is not accustomed to Devildom cuisine, but ever since living with the Seven Demon Brothers of the House of Lamentation, even Barbatos knew that she could now eat bats and lizards without gagging.

"Mmm! It is delicious!" the girl complimented.

Barbatos secretly sighed in relief. "That's good to hear!"

"I just can't wait to go back to the House of Lamentation and cook this up for Lucifer and his brothers!" the girl said.

"I am sure that they will love it. Especially that you cooked it for them," Barbatos said.

The girl nodded happily. "Yep! After all, I summoned up every bit of courage that I have to ask you to teach me just so I could serve them something local! Ever since I came here and been on cooking duty every once in a while, I have only been serving them Human World Food. I am afraid that they might have had enough of it."

Barbatos's smile evaporated after he realized something from what the girl in front of her said.

"Wait," he said. "So the reason why you asked me to teach you is for them? For Lucifer and his brothers?"

"Why, of course!" the girl said, complete with a bright smile. "What else would be my reason? I owe them a lot! They are always there for me and they protect me. They help me in every way they can and keep me company. Sure, they cause chaos most of the time, especially Mammon, but they are the reason why every day is an adventure for me during my time here in the Devildom."

As Barbatos listened to her as she babbled on and on about the Seven Demon Brothers and how they complete her, Barbatos kept fighting back tears with a smile as one idea swirled in his head right now:

His time for her might never come at all.

And the ones to blame are those demons living with her at the House of Lamentation.

No time. No time at all. Not even once did it even exist.

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