Chapter #5: Accept Your Fated Timeline

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The next morning, Barbatos woke up weakly. His head throbs with pain because of the hangover, so he chose not to get up from his bed. He also saw the note that Diavolo left on his desk.

It said:


Take a day off today. Take all the rest you need and don't force yourself too much. I will have Solomon and Lucifer accompanying me for the day. I have ordered a few Little Ds to give you whatever you need.

Let's talk later when I get back from RAD.


For the whole day, Barbatos just slept in his bed, ignoring the pain in his heart and cries more than he ever had before. Little Ds tried to comfort him but he dismissed every single one of them.

Soon, classes ended at RAD and Diavolo rushed to his castle to talk to his butler, leaving Lucifer and the rest of his student council to rest of the tasks to be done at RAD.

To him, Barbatos is not just his butler. He is not just the demon of time. He is his friend. And even the future king of Devildom knows that one should accompany his friend in his time of need.

"I'm so sorry about what happened," Diavolo said when he reached Barbatos's room and entered.

Barbatos shook his head. "I should be the one apologizing, young master Diavolo. Seeing me like this is a disgrace."

"Not at all," Diavolo said, full of sympathy in every word. "You are in pain and need to let it out."

Silence overcame the two for the next five minutes until Diavolo looked up and broke it with a question.

"Will you open it?" Diavolo asked.

Barabatos was confused for a minute. He didn't know what Diavolo mean. That is, until, he followed to where Diavolo is looking: the door he left unopened and unchecked last night. He is not that drunk to forget what he has been doing last night.

Barbatos hung his head low as Diavolo looked at him and placed a hand on his right shoulder.

"You know, Barbatos, sometimes... we just have to accept what fate gives us," he said. "Sometimes, we just have to accept our own timelines. We are, after all, born in this timeline for a reason. Or we could open up another door and choose that life. The choice is always up to us."

Barbatos looked up and saw that his master is giving him a smile despite the sorrow in his eyes for his dear butler and friend.

Barbatos found his strength to stand up and looked at his master straight in the eye.

"I'll open it," he said so surely.

Diavolo stood up with a sigh. "Alright. I'll be in my room."

Barbatos started his way up to the top of the stairs where the last door was waiting for him to open. Before Diavolo leave completely, he turned around and called out Barbatos. The butler stopped in his tracks to listen to Diavolo's advice.

"Don't get too disappointed if the time you desire did not come for you," his young master said.

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