Chapter 7: Confusion

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A week has passed since that unfortunate event.

Barbatos tried his best to forget about the pained truth and tried to move on.

But no matter how hard he tries, it feels like someone is still not tired of stabbing his her. It feels like someone is still not tired of whispering straight into his ears that he can't reach far enough to get the girl he loves.

He focused on his studies and his duties to Diavolo.

"It is all right. Isn't it, Barbatos?" Diavolo said.

But just like now - during a student council meeting between Diavolo, Lucifer, and him - he occasionally spaces out and Diavolo would come to his aid to bring his thoughts back to the Devildom.

Lucifer sighed. "Barbatos, it isn't like you to space out during meetings ten times in a row."

"Barbatos isn't just feeling well, Lucifer," Diavolo said.

"Don't you think it is still unacceptable, Diavolo? If he is feeling unwell, he should have just asked to take an early leave," Lucifer said as he narrowed his eyes on Barbatos.

Diavolo's eyes widened in shock. Then, he shook his head and frowned. "Now, now, Lucifer. Don't be too harsh on Barbatos, won't you?" Diavolo said it in his normal, soft tone.

But this time, Lucifer shut up.

"May I ask to be excused, then?" Barbatos finally asked. He thought he needs to take a walk and grab some fresh air.

Diavolo firmly nodded, as if to show that he read Barbatos's thoughts.

"You may. Take your time, Barbatos." Diavolo said.

Barbatos stood up, bowed to Diavolo and Lucifer, then silently left the student council room.

No one is supposed to be inside RAD at this hour except him, Lucifer, and Diavolo who were supposed to be doing a meeting (well, at least he is supposed to he in there) and a few Little Ds fixing things up between classrooms. Barbatos expected for him to be walking around the school alone with his thoughts and go back. to the student council room soon.

So, it is to his surprise to find a familiar human girl walking the halls of RAD when she shouldn't have been here at this hour.

Curiosity struck and he called her.

"Oh! Barbatos! Hi, there," she said as she giddily walked towards him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her. "You're not supposed to be in here at this hour. You should be at the House of Lamentation. What if there are other demons around that would hurt you? I don't see Mammon or anyone to protect you."

"I am with you now, aren't I?" she said with all seriousness.

Barbatos got silent.

"Don't play games like this with me now," he told to himself. He is referring to the girl. "I am trying to forget my feelings for you. You're making it harder for me."

"I'm sorry, but you know that's not what I meant," he finally said.

The girl raised her hands up in defeat. "Fine, fine, Barbatos. I had Mammon wait for me outside. He is at the front of the entrance hall."

"I believe that he should have accompanied you," he said.

Angry thoughts towards Mammon flooded Barbatos's mind.

How could Mammon let her wander the halls of RAD at this time alone?

She is not allowed to walk in RAD without any of the demon brothers with her. And that is during school hours! A lot of demons and creatures are roaming around. What more now that the halls are empty? What if there is another demon around and found her? What if she got harmed?

"I told him to wait," she said that stopped Barbatos's angry thoughts for awhile.

Barbatos brows furrowed. "May I ask why? You know how dangerous Devildom is for you. I wouldn't mind it if it is Solomon since he has powers, but the only power you have is to control Lucifer and his brothers. What use is that if not one is even around for you to command to protect you?"

She rolled her eyes at him teasingly, "First off, I don't need to command them to protect me. They know it is their duty because Diavolo said so. Second, we learn spells in class, remember? In Spells and Incantations Class?"

"But still! You only know basic spells! Those are not enough for you to protect yourself," Barbatos cut in, almost losing his temper.

The girl paused just to give him a Don't-Interrupt-Me look, then continued her long talk. "Third, I can summon any of Lucifer and his brothers when I need to. Fourth, I came here at this hour because I have to leave a letter on someone's locker, because if I don't do it sooner, I might lose my mind. And fifth, why are you being so protective? You sound like an overprotective boyfriend."

The last sentence caught Barbatos off guard. He was so silent for a whole minute before he finally blinked.

"I may not be your boyfriend and may never will... but I can act like one, can't I?" Barbatos said in almost a whisper, forgetting that the girl is right in front of her.

The girl who is now cocking her eyebrows, tilted he head a bit to the right, and is looking at him in a confused expression and a little something that Barbatos couldn't pinpoint what.

"You should go now," Barbatos finally said.

"Yeah. I should," the girl replied and she hurried out.

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