Chapter #4: Open the Doors of Timelines

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"Thank you for your service today, Barbatos," Diavolo said as he patted his butler's right shoulder.

"All in a day's work, young master," Barbatos said with his usual perfect-butler like manner.

Diavolo let out a big yawn. "Well, we best be headed towards our respective rooms. Time for sleep. We still have a big day tomorrow."

"Indeed," Barbatos agreed as Diavolo turned and walked towards his own room.

But unlike his master, Barbatos is far from sleepy.

The pain kept stabbing his heart and he felt too much pain to sleep.

Instead of heading straight to bed, he took out a bottle of Demonus from the stocks and drank from the bottle. He didn't care how it would look because every Little D serving in the Demon lord's castle is already asleep. He is the only one awake right now.

Barbatos roamed the halls of the castle, drunk and broken, until he found himself staring in front of his room's door.

Barbatos groaned and pushed the door open as he took another gulp from the bottle, emptying it of its liquid content.

He slumped on a chair as he massaged his temples.

He wanted to scream. He wanted to go on a rampage. He wanted to do anything to get the pain to go away. It is just too much for him.

Too much that he started to let out a waterfall of tears that he was fighting back earlier.

He didn't want to show her. He thought he would look weak and pathetic in front of her. He didn't want to show Diavolo. He thought that Diavolo have way more important matters to take care of and a heartbroken lad is just another burden for him. He thought he should just settle his own problem alone.

Barbatos eventually threw himself on his bed wiped his tears off. Then, he looked up.

His room is not like any other room.

His room got millions and millions of doors, each connected to a different timeline. It is because of his demonic power: the power to control time. It is what made him an elite demon. The great strength of his power is the reason why he is in such a high position in the realm of demons. The power to control time and events is great indeed.

Barbatos knows the doors more than anyone else.

Each door holds a different timeline that he can turn into reality.

One might hold the timeline where the demons would perish, one might hold the timeline where all three worlds would be connected in peace, one might hold the timeline of his success, one might hold the timeline of his destruction.

Staring at the series of doors, Barbatos realized one thing he is sure about.

One of those doors holds the timeline where he and his beloved would end up together.

His beloved. Not with Lucifer. Not with Mammon. Not with Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and not even Belphegor. Not with any demon, angel, human, or whatever... but him.

Still a little bit shaky and still drunk, Barbatos forcefully pulled himself up and opened one door after another, determined to find the door where his beloved looks at him the way he looks at her: with love beyond time and space.

As the hours of the night ran, Barbatos opened and closed door after door. He saw everything that was about to happen to his beloved in every door.

Lots of doors showed Barbatos the girl ending up with each of the Seven Demon Brothers but in those doors showed a different version of what the girl became as she grew up.

A few doors showed him that the girl would end up with Simeon, the angel exchange student of the Devildom from the Celestial Realm.

Other doors showed him that she ended up with Solomon, another human exchange student of the Devildom from the Human World.

There are even doors that showed Barbatos the girl being in a relationship with Diavolo himself!

Opening and closing each door has been exhausting for poor Barbatos, but he did not give up. He climbed steps, opened more doors, walked up fast, then slow, and still determined to find a door where he would end up with her.

Only, as Barbatos realized, there is not one single door that he opened where he saw himself being happy with the girl of his dreams.

Lots of doors showed him the girl being happy with a demon, an angel, and a human. But not one single door showed him that he would end up with her.

Tears stared flowing back to Barbatos's eyes as he looked at the last door of his room. The last door of the last timeline. Hopes vanishing, he held on to the door knob...

Only to slump in front of it, legs weak, head throbbing with pain, breathing and crying hard.

What if this last door wouldn't give him the timeline that he wanted? What then?

Barbatos refused to know. He couldn't take in the possibility that he and the girl would never have a chance. That time and space did not allow it. Not even one door.

Broken and shattered, Barbatos slowly descended the steps and slumped back on his bed, crying himself to sleep.

He didn't even see the pained look on Diavolo's face as he watched his butler and friend ascend the steps in the beginning, opening and closing doors with a disappointed face. All he did was leave a note when Barbatos was fully asleep.

A Million Doors to You (An Obey Me! Barbatos X MC Fanfiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now