Chapter #2: From a Glance to a Walk

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Time flies fast when you are enjoying yourself.

It is a well-known phrase. Not just in the human world, not just in the Celestial Realm where the angels and the good live either, but in the Devildom as well.

And Barbatos just proved it (once again) to himself.

All throughout the school day, half of his mind has been filled with the thoughts of what would happen after school: his one-sided cooking date with her. While the other half is focused on his studies, of course. He is an elite, after all. Fail and he would embarrass himself, not to mention that he is one of the closest to the demon prince and an elite. It is rather high expectations and all.

When the time came that signaled the end of classes for the day, and Diavolo had ensured him that he is free to go, it is Barbatos who is first to be out of their designated classroom's door and half walked, half ran in the halls to find her. He expected her to be alone somewhere, waiting for him like a princess waiting for a prince.

Instead, he found her with another "prince."

"Don't worry, Mammon," Barbatos heard her say to the tsundere demon as he walked towards the both of them. The girl kept convincing Mammon to stop worrying about her and just go to the student council meeting with the rest of his brothers. "I will just be at the demon lord's castle. I won't be harmed. Barbatos will be there.

"No one will be there to protect you!" Mammon said.

"Barbatos will," she said reassuringly.

Barbatos smiled. "Of course, I will," he thought, feeling happy that she knows that he will.

Mammon growled. "No way. I-"

"Am supposed to go to the meeting before Lucifer ties you upside down later again," Mammon's brother, Beelzebub cut in.

"What are 'ya doing here?" Mammon asked rather nervously.

"Lucifer sent me to fetch you," Beelzebub said. "He promised that he will give me his ten million years aged cheese later if I go. It is perfect for making cheeseburgers." A drool can be clearly seen from the corners of his mouth even from afar!

"You would really do anything for food, don't 'ya, Beel?"

"Well, he wouldn't be the avatar of gluttony if he won't," the girl replied. "It is like... part of the job description!" she ended with a giggle.

Beel's eyes widened as he looked at Barbatos.

"Oh! Barbatos!" he exclaimed.

Everyone turned their heads towards the butler. It was then that he realized that he had stopped in his tracks on his way to them as he listened on their conversation.

"Hello, everyone," he greeted as he finally went up to them.

The girl gave out a smile to Barbatos which made his heart skip a beat.

"Hello, Barbatos!" she happily said and waved.

Barbatos greeted all of them. Mammon gave him a lethal glare while Beel gave out a smile.

Just then, Lucifer came down walking the halls with a furious look on his face that made the other students of RAD step out of his way immediately.

"Beel! Mammon! What are the both of you still doing here?!" he scolded them. "Beel, I believe I told you to fetch Mammon, but you are taking too long! And you, Mammon, you won't get away with this. Diavolo has been waiting at the council room for almost twenty minutes already!"

Beel looked at the floor, embarrassed, while Mammon gave out a nervous gulp. Then, Lucifer dragged his brothers to the council room, finally leaving Barbatos alone with the girl of his dreams.

Barbatos gave the girl a satisfied smile and said, "So, shall we?"

The two walked side by side in the streets of Devildom up to the demon lord's castle. Barbatos and the young, human girl talked about various stuffs on the way.

Each other's hobbies...

Funniest moments...

The accomplishments they are proudest of...

And more.

Like two, normal people.

Or in this case, a normal human girl and a normal demon prince's butler.

Maybe not so normal on Barbatos' side since being an elite has never been normal. Specially an elite demon. But in the eyes of both the butler and the human girl, everything is as normal as it should be.

For the two, learning that failing tests is normal. Spilling tea on one's self is normal. Ripping of one's skirt on the first day of school is (kind of) normal. Getting nervous on the first day as a demon butler is normal.

In a way, it is calming, comforting, simple, and almost too perfect.

"I am getting to know her better than I have ever been before," Barbatos thought as he leads the girl towards the tall gates of the demon lord's castle.

This time, Barbatos knew, is his moment to show to her his own shine, just like the seven demon brothers did.

Considering that he is quite a busy demon (he is a butler of the demon prince and does some things for him) and that he can't get near her as much as a certain set of demon elites can do, he knows.

He knows, he must not fail.

For this is his time.

And his time, doesn't come around quite often.

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