Chapter #8: The Letter that Changes His Forever

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The next morning, Barbatos barely had time to breathe with all of his work toppling one after another.

The newspaper club has some problems and as much as Barbatos hates it, he has to deal with the insufferable leader of the club.

Teachers have been continuously reporting about some rouge Little Ds making a ruckus inside classrooms.

The RAD Cafeteria is having a problem with what to do with some of the ingredients imported from the human world. They constantly ordered a lot of ingredients, but with only two humans at RAD, the ingredients mostly spoil in a lot of proportions. Although everyone is free to order human world food, most of the students just order the ones that are local in their respective worlds for various reasons (e.g. unexpected tastes, possible magical changes).

He also has school project deadlines (due today), school report deadlines (also due today), unfinished homework deadlines (also, also due today), and class presentations (was it mentioned that it is also due today? No? It is due today.)

"Are you sure you're okay, Barbatos?" Simeon, an angel exchange student from the Celestial Realm, said as he accompanied him to his desk during their break time.

"You look worse than an exhausted athlete," Luke, another angel exchange student, said with sympathy.

"Maybe I should make you something to drink? I have been experimenting with some ingredients lately," a human sorcerer named Solomon said. He is a human exchange student from the human world.

Barbatos shook his head politely at Solomon, "Thank you, but that is not really necessary, Solomon."

"Are you sure?" Solomon asked.

"Yes, I am sure," Barbatos confirmed firmly. The last thing he would want at that moment is to die with all of his duties undone.

Barbatos knows that Solomon is just genuinely trying to help, but going back to the castle retreat that Diavolo once held in his castle, one could not forget the lunch that the human exchange students made. Solomon and the girl cooked up human world delicacies before the retreat ends for lunch. While the girl's dishes were extraordinary splendid that made everyone want some seconds, Beelzebub, the avatar of gluttony, couldn't even touch Solomon's dishes. 

And we are talking about Beelzebub here, the one who eats his plate when it still smells like his last meal and still think that it is food.

"I think I just forgot something inside my locker. I'll go get it now. Excuse me," Barbatos said.

He got up and left for his locker while leaving a human and two angels smiling.

On his way to his locker, Barbatos came across Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor. They are all talking in a hush tone and looks sad and depressed.

"We should just accept it. It is her decision," Barbatos overheard Lucifer saying.

"It is really hard to accept," Mammon said in tears.

"It really is!" Asmodeus cried. "I just don't understand why she wouldn't choose someone beautiful instead! And by that I meant ME!"

"Oh, shut up, Asmo!" Leviathan said. "At least I know she wouldn't choose me. Who would choose a yucky otaku like me? Huh? No one!"

Barbatos wanted to ask them what is going on, but he already had a lot of problems to deal with and he didn't want to get it in their way.

When Barbatos reached his locker, he opened it and took out notebook where he lists down all of his To-Dos. Just as he does so, an envelope fell from the top of his locker.

"Hm?" Barbatos muttered as he bent down and reached for the white envelope.

He took a good look at it and noticed his name is written at the back of the envelope in regal, black calligraphy. This much is clear to him that whatever is inside is indeed for him.

He opened it carefully and saw that a letter is inside. He took it out and opened it and noticed that the letter is written in someone's handwriting that he knows very well.

Barbatos read it carefully. His heart thumping in his chest louder to the point that he wouldn't be surprised if someone else hears it. He smiled wider than he ever did before and his eyes starts to sparkle like jewels.

After reading the precious love letter, he ran and set off to find the girl that changed his life, her letter still in his mind as if she herself has been saying it in his ears until he arrives. Her name that is unmistakablely written at the end of the letter is the one he calls out with every step.

Dear Barbatos,

You have the power to control time. You know what happened in the past. You know what will happen in the future. You might have even seen this coming, but I still took the risk because I just have to tell you.

You are a demon while I am a human. But no matter how hard I try, I can't stop myself from falling for you.

You may not be born to be with me for eternity, but I am happy to at least meet you in this timeline.

I don't know if you know or if you noticed, but dearest Barbatos...

I love you.

I will be waiting for you at RAD's rooftop after Devildom Law subject. 

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