Chapter 15 "The Rock-Solid Pokémon Trainer"

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      Their family bid them farewell once again the next morning. Yasashi sent a challenge request yesterday and Brock replied telling him that he was open for a match. “From what happened last week I thought you weren’t going to make it, I’m glad that I was wrong about that. I’m open for challenges tomorrow. Most trainers just walk in without making a request. We’re used to that now, but it’s nice to see that the old ways aren’t dead yet.” Brock told him over the phone.

      As they made their way toward the Gym, they were greeted by the residents of Pewter City. Many offered money which they insisted the three take. Sei-Shun placed the envelopes he was given in his bag instead of placing it in his wallet. Mizu notices this and asks him why. “I’m not one for taking other people’s money for personal use. I send all the money I make to my family, and the only money I get is a monthly allowance from my parents.” he tells her. She asks him why he does this and he replies saying, “I’m the one that is supporting the family financially. Mom and Dad lost their jobs after some fiasco. Of course, that company later became bankrupt and they were never able to get another job. My career as a musician is very important to me. Not only do I get to do the things I love, I also get to help my family. I’ve never really bought anything for myself, other than maybe a few bottles of water when I was younger, other than that, I usually gave it away to charity, or something like that. That’s all that matters to me. Family and friends…” Mizu hugs her Sentret tighter as she thinks of her own family in Sinnoh. Father… I hope I’m making you proud…

      The three made it to the Gym after a couple minutes. The sliding entrance door opens and chilly breeze greets them as they enter. The gigantic room was adorned with a Japanese rock garden. Its interior was as if the inside was larger than the exterior. The sound of a man next to one of the statues in the front waves to the three and they approach him.

      “Yo! Champ in the making! You look… really rocking.” They stare at him unamused after his pun and he laughs nervously. “Welcome to the Pewter City Gym! I’m the Gym guide, you’ll see me and my cohorts whenever you enter a Gym.” he says. He looks to Sei-Shun and shakes his hand. “I remember you! Sei-Shun, right? That was a great battle the other day! Kept me on my toes the whole time!” Mizu sighs and Sei-Shun scratches his head. On one of the statues, there was an engraving with Sei-Shun’s name. “And, you must be Yasashi!” The man grabs Yasashi’s hand and shakes it. “Brock is looking forward to the match.” He looks to one of Yasashi’s shoulder and spots Iris. “Oh? Another normal type? And…” He sees Hikaru on the other shoulder and smiles. “An electric type? Reminds me of a certain trainer four years ago. Of course, he had other Pokémon with him, but rarely used them with Brock.” He looks at Iris closer and she tries to hide behind Yasashi. The man laughs. “Bashful, huh? Well, it’s nice to meet you. Anyway! You should head up to Brock for that challenge! You might see one or two trainers along the way though, so be prepared.” He smiles and walks back to the statue he was at before.

      Yasashi looks at Iris and she nods her head. Mizu was scorning Sei-Shun and Yasashi smiles. While walking the stone path, Yasashi noticed that there were different paths branching from the main walkway that allowed others to bypass the two Gym trainers. Yasashi didn’t much care for that, as he wanted the challenge of battling all the trainers in the Gym before Brock. Moving ahead, there was a Camper named Toshi and he challenges Yasashi to a battle. He sends out a Geodude and Yasashi sends out Iris and she turns into a Vaporeon. One Water Gun was only necessary to win the fight. “Everyone and their Water-types…” Toshi mumbles. He congratulates Yasashi and heads back to where he was standing before. Another Camper named Kazu challenges Yasashi and sends out a Sandshrew. Iris ends the battle again with another Water Gun and there was a large staircase that led to Brock.

      The Gym Leader was standing on a large stone pedestal. His arms were crossed and he spots the three as they made their way up. He places his hands on his waist and smiles. “Looks like you made short work of the other trainers in this Gym. As I expected from the trainers of Pallet.” Yasashi smiles and looks at Iris who was still a Vaporeon, her violet skin radiating in the light. “Not often do we see a Shiny around here, but no matter. You already know this, but I’m Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader. Rules are rules, and formalities are part of them. I’m an expert on Rock-type Pokémon. My Pokémon are impervious to most physical attacks. You’ll have a hard time inflicting any damage. Though, with a Water-type, I’m sure that won’t be the case.” Iris giggles and Yasashi gives a small smile. “I’ll be using the Pokémon I’ve always used for new trainers taking on the League Challenge, the same ones Pokémon Trainer Red and everyone else fought.” Brock stood on one of his knees and placed a Poké Ball on the floor next to him. A smile spreads across his face. “My Pokémon are all rock hard, and have true grit-determination. Come on! Show me your best!”

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