Chapter 13 "To Save a Friend"

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"Move it!"

"This is an emergency!"

"What's going on?"

"This boy and his Pokémon are in critical condition!"

"Get the emergency department! Stat!"

The whole centre was a complete mess. Trainers flocking from other regions and just people who are there for a check-up for their Pokémon were horrified at the scene before them. The group of medical professionals moved Yasashi and Iris through a set of double doors. Behind them were Sei-Shun and Mizu following close behind their friend. A shadowy figure with his arms crossed was standing, leaning against a wall with nobody aware of his presence. As Sei-Shun's family enter the building along with Yasashi's mother, Professor Oak, and Brock, the man mysteriously vanishes, leaving no trace that he was ever there.

Yasashi and Iris were taken into a large operating room with medical equipment by their sides. The doctors moved from one place to the next to get everything set up. A doctor checks Yasashi's condition as well as Iris's and looks at a nurse. "The Eevee has lost a lot of blood. If we don't get another supply of it, it'll die."

"What's the blood type doctor?" a nurse asks him.


The nurse shakes his head. "I'm sorry, doctor. But this Centre doesn't have any more of that type of blood at this centre. The next shipment was supposed to come tomorrow." he tells the doctor. Yasashi could hear the whole conversation as the Emergency Unit works on his wounds. A bandage that surrounded his eyes was tied to stop the blood, but the ones in his body kept flowing; the scarlet liquid was everywhere on the floor. The draining equipment was completely useless.

Iris... I have to do something! I can't let her die, not like this...

"Do-... Doctor." he says weakly. The doctor turns around to face him. "Don't talk, you need as much energy as you can." he tells him. Yasashi turns his head in the direction of the voice. "My blood." The doctor looks at him in sorrow. "Yes, I know you're in great pain and the bleeding won't stop. We're doing what we can to-"

"U-use it."

The doctor looks at him is confusion. "U-use my blood." Yasashi tells him. The doctor looks at his wounds and shakes his head. "You're losing a lot of blood as is, you can't possibly-"

"Please! I... don't want her to die. My blood t-type is O-Negative. It's the u-universal donor, so there's n-no worry if the wrong one will b-be used or not. Please..." The doctor could tell that Yasashi would be crying if he could, and he sighs. "Nurse, get me the transfusion machine." A couple seconds later, a large machine is pushed to the doctor and the ED sets up the machine.

Iris's wound was already closed, but the large amount of blood loss caused her to become unconscious. Her breathing was also low and sounded painful. The team inserted a small needle in both Yasashi and Iris and started the transfusion sequence.

Merely seconds later, Yasashi's blood started to course through Iris's body, and the red blood cells started to work. Iris's wound emitted a strange green glow and it started to disappear. The doctor and the ED stare in amazement at what was happening. They look over to Yasashi who has almost lost consciousness. The doctor was about to tell him the great news, until the machine started to beep slower and slower.

"Doctor! We're losing him!" an ED member tells him. "Get me the defibrillator!" he orders. The team brings the doctor a machine with two shock pads attached and the doctor grabs them. "Clear!" an ED member yells. The doctor places the two on Yasashi's body and a shock is sent through the pads. The routine for the defibrillation is carried out over and over, but Yasashi's condition showed no signs of improving.

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