True Chapter 14 "Rainbow"

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      As he was about to leave the room, a large commotion in the operating room stops him. “What’s going on?” Brock asks approaching the window. Sei-Shun runs to see what was happening and his eyes lit up. A familiar green aura was surrounding Yasashi’s wounds and they were healing them at a miraculous rate. In seconds, Yasashi’s body was full of life once again, and the hole in his stomach was gone. The team inside were yelling and smiling, throwing papers in the air and hugging each other. The doctor ridiculed them for dropping the papers on the bloody floor, but his expression meant that he was happy to see Yasashi alive again.

      “Yasashi?” Sei-Shun looks at his friend closely and his chest started to go up and down, which meant he was breathing. Prof. Oak was telling Yasashi’s mother the news and she looks up, dry tears under her eyes. After a while, the doctor inside tells the team to move out their patient; Yasashi was being sent out the door and Sei-Shun followed suit.

      Mizu was next to Hikaru and Iris in a white room full of beds and curtains. There were enough windows to light up the entire room completely during a clear sunny day. Hikaru places his hand on Iris’s head and smiles in relief and worry. The door to the room was suddenly opened with a large thud and someone was carried into one of the open beds. Mizu recognises the doctors as the ones operating on Yasashi before. “What’s all the commotion about?” she says. She stands up and sees Sei-Shun at the door catching his breath.

      “Sei-Shun!? What’re you doing here? Where’s-”

      “He’s gonna to be fine.” Sei-Shun tells her smiling. She looks to the ED team and then spots Yasashi in one of the beds. “Yasashi!” she rushes to the side of her friend and the adults leave the room after setting up the life support.

      Everyone enters the room after a while and they come to check Yasashi’s and Iris’s status. They are told that after a week or so they’ll be back up and running, Iris predicted to be much earlier. They sigh in relief and Sei-Shun and Mizu asked if they could stay by him. They agreed and left the room.

      Sei-Shun holds Mizu’s hand suddenly. She was alarmed at this, but doesn’t shake him off. She could see the worry in his eyes and their eyes met for just a moment or two. She places her head on his shoulder and he holds her. They shared each other’s feelings without any words and they continued to stay at Yasashi’s side.

      …Where am I?

      Yasashi looks around and he recognises the place he was in. The same place after he fainted in the forest, the space.

      Oh…right, it’s this place again. It was completely pitch black, just like it was before. I’m here again, but…why? He ponders and remembers what happened at the museum and the Pokémon Centre. That’s right! Team Rocket attacked and then…Iris…I hope she’s okay…

      A familiar voice broke the silence.

      “That was reckless…”

      Yasashi turns around and sees the mysterious man again. His form seemed as if he towered Yasashi.

      “What? How did you-”

      “Your actions, Mr. Ikiru, may have saved the lives of those you hold dear, but at what cost? For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Your decisions, have repercussions. Best to keep that in mind, Mr. Ikiru.” The man paces around, his red eye glowing in the darkness, striking fear in Yasashi. The gaze seemed to last for an eternity as the man studied Yasashi’s figure. “The cycle continues, it seems. How far will you go to save the ones you love? What will be sacrificed? No… a better question would be who will be sacrificed.” He ends his speech and disappears into the darkness once again.

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