- ...Next on the list... ah, Ms. Hamilton – Professor Madeline Schmidt, the Muggle Studies teacher, pulled her essay from the pile. – I'd like to comment very quickly on your work – I found it very profound and I believe it is not only because you are muggleborn. Can you please expand in a few sentences your statement from the conclusion? The one about the way the situation with muggles spotting magic manifestations is being handled in major parts of Europe?
- Of course, Professor Schmidt – Jessie nodded. – Although I don't think I can say much more than what I've already written. Most European Magic Ministries employ successful tactics though some of them are significantly dated. The case with the explosion in the private alchemist laboratory in Denmark is a very good example resulting in little to none damage on nearby muggle communities. On the other hand, what happened in Belgium only three weeks ago was, I dare say, inexcusable.
- To what point?
- It was not an isolated event and it was not something that had never happened in the past – on the contrary. And yet, the local Ministry chose to employ an untested strategy and in result thrice as much muggles than before had to be subjected to the Obliviate charm. It is my subjective opinion but even though we are – to some extent – superior to muggles we should never belittle them because we, by a mere whim of nature happen to have predisposition towards magic.
- Thank you, Ms. Hamilton. Do you follow international media channels?
- Yes, Professor, the main ones and a few local that are in most part trustworthy.
- Very good. We should discuss after hours certain points from your specialization that I see fit to accent on. Next, Mr. Sandberg...
- Hey, Ms. Hamilton, wait up for a moment!
Jessie turned and looked around for the source of the unfamiliar voice calling her. A mid-height boy with short dark brown hair was coming towards her holding her own wand and the small notepad she used for school-related notes, a smile on his face.
- You forgot this under your desk. Thought you may need it.
- Maybe – Jessie laughed, shaking her head. – Thank goodness at least my head is fixed solidly on my shoulders. Thank you...
- Victor.
- Thank you, Victor – she took the wand and the notepad and put them in her backpack. – I thought I had it inside with my drumsticks, silly me. And by the way, it's Jessie.
- You play with Patronus, right?
- That's right.
- I saw you at Battle One, you were pretty good. Is the band really brand-new?
- Absolutely, still less than two weeks old.
- Wow, that's impressive – he whistled.
- Thank you – Jessie's smile broadened. – Are you playing an instrument too?
- Keyboards – he nodded. – But not with any band currently.
- You don't have the time or you prefer playing solo? – she asked as they started slowly walking down the corridor.
- Neither actually, right now it's more like preparing for the N.E.W.T.s is draining all my energy. But I still play here and there with some people and help them out with keyboard and piano parts when they record.
- Maybe we can use your help too sometimes. My bandmates were discussing something about adding piano to one of the songs we consider for the next Battle.
- Sure, I'd be happy to help if you decide to include piano parts. By the way that was some good point you made during class, I've been thinking exactly the same after that weird story in Belgium happened. I'm specializing in Muggle Studies. In fact I'm currently doing a report on the interactions between wizards and muggles in the last 50 years so if you have the time in the next few days – and the will of course – I'd really like to hear your opinion on some other incidents too. But not if it'll get in the way of your band practices.

= Wands High =
FanfictionYou're already familiar with what life is like at Hogwarts, but what about other corners of the wizarding world? Hidden within the Schwarzwald, Innestrad Academy of Magical Arts is not your typical school for magic. Here, where all sorts of creative...