- So what do you make of the things that happened tonight? – Orianna asked half an hour later, biting off the head of her third chocolate frog. The three of them had found a spot with sitting cushions on the floor in the common room a little away from the other students. After a quick improvised feast with the supplies they could gather – mostly packed desserts – they felt a little better, enough to discuss calmly the weird situation.
- I honestly have no idea – Hermione shook her head. – I have never seen those sluggish things although I may have read about them. But as the Auror said, they are common in regions way different than this. Whoever brought them here, was well aware of their properties, I think. Daynen, you said a girl got hurt, is she alright?
- Yes, one of the things fell on her arm but she managed to shake it off quickly. The trace was relatively small and Madame Morris immediately gave her some antidote, as far as I heard. She'll spend the night in the infirmary for observation but Griff was right about the quick reaction, it probably won't even leave a scar.
- Griff? – asked Hermione.
- Auror Slade – replied Orianna. – His first name is Griffin. Used to be a student here, and one of the best this school has seen; never made a fuss about it though.
- What I don't get is what the point of all this was – Daynen said. – It doesn't seem like a particularly useful strategy to hurt many people simultaneously. From what I heard, those things were multiplied with a spell but needed some time to grow to their full size and poisonous potential. And the timing of their appearance wasn't very well calculated, most students were already in the dining hall.
- Maybe it was a distraction – Hermione said thoughtfully. – Some sort of maneuver to draw the Aurors there and keep them busy. Maybe whoever did this knew that there's only two of them and is not afraid of the regular law enforcers.
- The way you reflect on this makes it sound as if you've had some similar experiences – Orianna noted curiously.
A hint of red colored Hermione's cheeks.
- We've had some unwanted interesting times in Hogwarts too, as you might suspect – she admitted then took a look at each one of them. – Do you think that there might be something here in Innestrad that these people, whoever they are, are after?
-Who knows – Daynen shrugged. – If there was anything, I don't think the students would be told anyway. Are you planning on gobbling all of those? – he laughed and grabbed the other two chocolate frogs laying near Orianna, and passed one to Hermione.
- I wasn't, this time at least – she shot him a deadly glance. – Out of respect for Hermione, I'll ignore that. But next time you try to take my chocolate, I'll bite your arm off the shoulder. My sarcasm doesn't fuel itself, you know. And despite all the madness around, I still do have a practice later, so I need enough chocolate in my system to keep me content... Otherwise art may take some casualties.
- Yes, about that... - Daynen hesitated for a moment but then looked the girl in the eyes. – I've been meaning to ask if you... you know, if you would consider playing with us again in case you get sick of whatever's going on with Wands High.
- Us?
- Me and this student from Durmstrang that I recently met. It's just us two, at least for now. We still need a bassist and a drummer.
Orianna looked down for a considerably long time at the packaging of the last chocolate frog that she was playing with. Daynen had expected a sarcastic or at least witty remark but the unusual silence surprised him.
- I promise I'll give it some serious thought, okay? – Ri said finally, lifting her eyes again. – I guess it's sort of inevitable for me to leave as well if things don't change miraculously soon. But Ender still hasn't pushed my buttons hard enough. And I also... have something else to consider.

= Wands High =
FanfictionYou're already familiar with what life is like at Hogwarts, but what about other corners of the wizarding world? Hidden within the Schwarzwald, Innestrad Academy of Magical Arts is not your typical school for magic. Here, where all sorts of creative...