- And you all were on the front lines during that crazy battle that almost tore Hogwarts in two? – Orianna stared at the other girl, her expression blank except for the raised eyebrows.
- Well... yes – Hermione shifted somewhat uncomfortably. – It still feels very weird to talk about it; that's why I avoid mentioning it.
- No wonder, I would too, if I had gone through all that, be it even just to avoid people asking dumbass questions. It won't come out of me, I promise.
- I trust you. And Jessie – Hermione smiled. – It's still better to hear it from me instead of someone gossiping – which sort of happened already these days.
- Can't argue with that. Speaking of the little drum monster, where is...
- Right here, Firethorne. Help me with these before I spill them in some pure student's neck.
Jessie had just appeared on the path between the rows behind them holding three big carton boxes of popcorn.
- Good timing, girl – Orianna took two of the boxes and passed one to Hermione. – I see some seats in the upper rows, let's go there.
- I hope your team lives up to the expectations you built in me, sister, I haven't seen any good Quidditch in a while – Jessie said as they made themselves comfortable. – If not, I'm going to devour your popcorn too!
- Are you a Quidditch fan as well? – Hermione asked her.
- Oh, you bet! My dad is the biggest fan of Sweetwater All-Stars, from the US, where I was born. It's family pride to be into them – Jessie laughed. – He grew up in the fandom and raised me and my brother the same way. I don't think he ever got into French Quidditch although he comments on it with some respect.
- Those Frenchies are all fancy maneuvers and no real play – Orianna snorted. – Fancy moves are nothing without efficiency and intent. They better stick to wine and cheesemaking.
- There, there – Jessie gave her a pat on the back. – So what's your team's strength?
- Air acrobatics and speed. Many big players originated from The Hippogryphs including Germain, the current national team seeker. They nicknamed him The Thunderbolt in his years here because even back then he was almost as hard to notice in flight as the snitch itself.
- You seem to get very excited about this – Hermione pointed out, smiling.
- I've always wanted to play but on a broom I'm as agile as an actual hippo – the blue-haired girl laughed. – And I think I prefer putting hours and hours of practice every day into something I can do from a sitting position.
- Lazybum – Jessie chuckled. – So did I miss the bonding talks or there's still time for that?
- There is always time for that – Hermione winked at her.
- Yeah and Fairlylocks here has some mindblowing stories to tell.
- Oh, is that so?
- You could say that – Hermione shrugged and gave her the short version of what she had told Orianna on the way from the library to the Quidditch field – a very brief history of each of the past seven years' dramatic events that took place at Hogwarts, and her own part in them. A few minutes and a few announcements about today's game later, Jessie had the same stunned look on her face as Orianna earlier.
- Dragons and unicorns, girl, you've lived through too many interesting times! – She exclaimed.
- More than I wished for – Hermione admitted. – I guess that was also part of the reason why I applied to come here. So how about you?

= Wands High =
FanfictionYou're already familiar with what life is like at Hogwarts, but what about other corners of the wizarding world? Hidden within the Schwarzwald, Innestrad Academy of Magical Arts is not your typical school for magic. Here, where all sorts of creative...