He couldn't hear much more other than the regular, rhythmic beat of the bass in his chest, as well as, of course, whatever Reginald was doing on the drums behind him. Doing yet another spin on the back of his heel, he allowed himself a quick glance at the boy, who seemed even more oblivious to his surroundings than he himself was, applying the four drumsticks with seemingly remarkable ease – one in each hand and another two that were hovering in mid-air .
"Where's your wand, Regg?"
Orianna nodded from the side, and he noticed it just in time too, otherwise he would have missed his queue completely.
He could always count on Orianna for these sort of things. He always got distracted too easily, Daynen did, while playing these suffocating prolonged and monotonic songs.
Finally the audience and whole atmosphere of the place had reached him, now that it was all about him. It was his time to shine.
The licks he used only seemed complex to the untrained eye, but in fact were rather simple to execute. It didn't matter though, as they were more than enough to launch everyone into a state of euphoria, accompanied by a concerto of savage screams.
Daynen Tiberius loved the guitar, almost as much as he loved magic itself. Sure, he enjoyed to experiment with both, but playing using a wand always had seemed like a form of cheating to him.
Then again just another quick glance at Reginald could be a great case for the opposite.
End then it was all over.
- Great show, guys! – a familiar voice greeted them as they all entered the small room behind the stage.
- "Guys" my ass, Fellius. – Orianna blew a flock of hair that had stuck to her face, revealing an angry and not so pleasant grimace, which of course was pointed yet again at the prefect, who had been acting as their manager at school.
Or mainly negotiating with the teacher staff to let them play at all.
- Alright, alright. You know what I mean. Don't you dare raise that guitar towards me, young lady!
- You are one year my senior, dumbass!
The girl walked away, her high leather boots echoing as hitting the marble floor of the room.
- That female needs some attention, if you know what I mean.
- Why don't you say that to her face?
- I am not that crazy! D, what was that last part about? Can't you just play the songs properly?
- Don't you be giving me a hard time too, man. I play the way I feel it.
The prefect just shook his head now walking to Ender – the last member of their quartet and lead vocalist.
Daynen wasn't going to stay to listen to that annoying conversation.
He had barely turned around when he suddenly found himself struggling to preserve his balance.
- You were amazing! You all were! Again!
When Cynthia had finally let go of him, he had trouble catching his breath.
- Thanks, but it wasn't much different from the previous shows really.
- Yeh, I know. But that's what makes it great! The way you always manage to play the songs, I feel like listening to the same recording again and again, its so flawless.
Watching her sparkling eyes, looking at him as if he almost were a divine being, couldn't really distract him from the fact that the poor girl had absolutely no clue when it came to music. He wasn't even sure she knew what kind of instrument he played.

= Wands High =
FanfictionYou're already familiar with what life is like at Hogwarts, but what about other corners of the wizarding world? Hidden within the Schwarzwald, Innestrad Academy of Magical Arts is not your typical school for magic. Here, where all sorts of creative...