Chapter 6: Feelings

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I walked back into the cafeteria. I looked at the clock and saw that I had seven more minutes before lunch was over. Chad and Melissa were laughing so I guessed everything was cool.

Chad watched me as I sat down. I looked at him with a awkward look, “Are you still mad at me? ”

He turned his head away and thought. He looked at me and smiled, “No. It wasn't your fault. Light skins love to be bear”

Melissa clapped. “Good for y'all.” she grabbed my hand, “Where you go?”

I sighed. Marquis was probably still outside, smoking like I told him not to do. Its hard seeing what you do to people. “ I went to talk to Marquis. Everything's good now.”

Chad caught an attitude. “ His bitch ass. What you do?”

“So I walked outside with a major attitude planning to yell at him like crazy. Then I saw him with a blunt in his hand! A freaking blunt! Don't you know he hates those 'Lissa?”

She looked at me in shock because I was so hype.“Okay yeah I know he hates blunts. Continue. ”

“So I felt bad for him. I brang him that low!” I yelled a little too loudly. A few people turned their heads at me, and then turned back,“ He really loved me and i- I didn't listen to him. ” I reached for my bags.

Chad looked at me with his eyebrow raised and then grabbed my bag. “Where do you think you're going? ”

I sighed and pulled my backpack. “Chad not now. I did something bad. ”

He stood up,“ No you didn't. You did what any other human being would do when someone cheated on them. I don't think anybody would want to stay with somebody who cheated on them. That's a sign that he really didn't love you. ”

“But he said he did-” I started.

“No Athena. I know I just met you but you're better than that. You deserve somebody better than that. I'm not saying it has to be though. ”

I smiled. Maybe it was time to start dating but I couldn't get my mind past this whole “cheating” thing. What if Chad did it to me?“No I'm okay. My friends are all I need.”

“ I ain't cha friend. ” I looked at Melissa and she smiled, “I'm your BEST friend!”


“Marquis get cho ass down here! ”

Marquis went down the stairs. He was just getting off his high, and he didn't want his parents to find out. What they might do was tragic.

His mom looked at her phone,“ Why did the school call me today?”

Marquis sighed. He got in trouble because one of his teachers saw him smoking outside and he pleaded with them to not suspend him.“Momma I'm not really in the mood. ”

“Boy who do you think you are? This is my damn house! Don't make me call yo daddy!” His mom grabbed a liquor bottle.

Marquis cringed. His mother was obviously drunk, she was always so quick to resort to violence. “Cause I was smoking momma.”

“So you stealing yo daddy shit huh?”she pushed him down, “From yo own family. Your brother would've never did anything like this. He was the perfect child and then you-”

“I'm not him! I'll never be him! Stop comparing me to him! ”Marquis finally snapped. His mother always talked about how his dead brother was so much better than him. He could only last so long with her abuse, then he'd lose it.

His mother gasped back. She back in her chair and laughed, taking a sip of her champagne. “Yo disrespectful ass gonna get it. Joe! Joe! Come get cho son!”

Then the basement door opened. The smell of cigarettes and weed was released into the upstairs. Marquis' dad walked upstairs and walked up to his son, “ So you think you grown now?”

Marquis stood there in silence. His mom was getting irritated, “ Nah talk all that stuff you was talking tough boy. Tell him how you was talking back. And how you was smoking at school.”

His dad grabbed Marquis by his shirt,“So you think you grown lil' nigga?” he punched him in his stomach,“You ain't. I pay for all this shit. You don't have no room to talk cause this ain't cho house. ”He punched him again. Marquis stood there unaffected by anything. A total blank.

He threw Marquis on the ground. Marquis laid there, powerless. His dad began to give him blows to the face until Marquis finally cracked. It took a while, because Marquis was almost emotionless. He began thinking about how happy Athena made him on days like this, how she would talk him out of hurting himself.

Marquis sat there until his mom and dad left. He was so out of energy he could barely move. He went upstairs and straight into the bathroom. His lip was busted and his face swollen. He sighed at his self and automatically knew he would have to stay home tomorrow. But how could he with parents like that?

So yeah I have not been feeling this book. But I see that people like it, so I like it. Updates for this book will happen every Wednesday.

So Athena and Chad. Are they the new couple, or will she get back with Marquis? And how do you think Melissa feels about this? She liked him first. Will she be happy for her best friend or become her worst enemy?

And woah Marquis. Nobody would of guessed that a rich boy would have problems like that. Why do you think his mom and dad are so violent? What happened to thisbrotherof theirs? And I don't know if you guys caught it, but I hinted the reason why Marquis hated blunts. What do you think Marquis will do about his living situation?

As always....

You guys inspire me!!

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