Chapter 29: MIA

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Quise sat with Melissa wrapped in his arms. He was thinking about what he told Melissa. Did he really have enough money to take care of all three of them? He knew he didn't want to be living with Mark when he had the baby. He got up and moved Melissa into a comfortable position.

He walked downstairs. The house was quiet but the lights were on downstairs. He looked towards the living room and saw Mark sitting counting money. He walked up behind him and Mark looked up. "Wassup boy. Why you not up there wit' yo' girl?"

Quise popped down on the couch and sighed. He looked at all the money Mark had on the table. "We was talking bout the baby. She haven't even told her parents and she said they gonna put her out. We ain't even going to have any money for the baby. I don't want to be in this house with a--"

Mark started to laugh. "Man--all you got to do is ask."

Quise stared at Mark. "What you mean?"

"Just what I said. I'll pay for y'all an apartment."

Quise smiled and shook his head."I'm going to get you the money back I promise-"

"Fuck that shit. I'm getting tired of y'all in my house anyways." They both laughed. Mark looked up. "There is one thing you can do for me though."

"What is it?" Quise asked.

"Some nigga owe me money and he ain't paying up. Now I already sent out a warning but they getting what they deserve now."

"So what we gotta do?"

"We gonna kidnap his son."


"Athena watch the fuck out! You bout to step on my shoes!" Marcus yelled. They were sitting in his house chilling together and she was walking back from the kitchen.

"Boy, calm down. You act like you don't have another pair upstairs." she told him.

He groaned. "I just bought these though. I want them to stay fresh."

"You're going to wear them like two times then never wear them again."

He groaned again. Him and Athena always argued over petty things like that. That arguing made them more closer to each other.

Athena ate her sandwich and stared at Marcus. He's been out of it since what had happened to Sean. During almost every conversation Marcus would always drift off into space. "What you thinking about?"

"You know... Sean." he told her. Athena could tell he was really in his feelings.

"Baby it's over. Sean's healing now and you have nothing to worry about."

"I know but... what if those bullets were for me?" he sighed, "That means somebody still looking for me. I can't die Thena. I have too much to live for."

Athena felt bad for him. He's had to live in constant fear of getting hurt because of his father's wealth. He even has a guard outside of his house to protect him. She kissed him on the cheek, which made her tear up a bit. "You're not going to die okay?"

"How you know?"he stared at her. Marcus hated sounding like he was afraid, even though he was.

"What has you do worried? Did somebody tell you they were going to do something to you?"

Marcus thought about it. He knew it could be only one person right now who could who would go through the trouble and could get away with it. Still, he didn't know what to do. He didn't want everyone to think of him as a snitch and there was no telling what would happen afterwards. "Mark."

"Mark like the one with the drugs one? What would he want with you?" Athena asked curiously. She sat her hand on Marcus' leg to try and make him more comfortable. He nodded his head. "Why?"

"When my daddy was just starting his company, he was broke as fuck. Neither him or my mama had enough to start it. The only person he knew who had money like that was Mark. I mean my daddy used to deal for him but he still didn't have enough. So he borrowed some money from Mark, I think it was one hundred grand but--"

"One hundred thousand dollars?" Athena gasped. He awkwardly nodded his head. "Wow... didn't think he had that much just sitting around."

"Anyways that helped my daddy jump start his record label. He had enough to hire big time artist. So after a few years he starts to fucking act like he forgot where he came from. He never paid Mark back and now... I'm going to die cause of it." he looked down towards the ground.

"I feel so sorry for you." she told him. "Having to go through this."

"Ain't nothing for you to feel sorry for. You been nothing but the perfect girlfriend."

"Yeah." Athena said feeling guilty. She started thinking about the time she kissed Chad. She knew it was serious but she didn't even tell Marcus yet. She felt bad every time she thought about it and she just wanted to get it off her chest. "Look Marcus I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"You remember a month or two ago when we all went to the bowling alley together?" he nodded his head in agreement. She felt tears start to fall out of her eyes because she knew what could happen to their relationship. "Well when I went outside to change, me and Chad, we-we kissed."

"Is that it?" Marcus sighed.

"You're not mad? I thought you would be mad."she sniffled.

"Stop fucking crying, damn. You making it seem like we breaking up or something." Marcus gave her a hug, "And no I'm not mad. After going through what I went through with my best friend almost dying, I realized that I like my life how it is now. If I was to lose you, Sean, hell even Candy ass, I don't know what I would do. You mean the world to me and I wanna be wit' you the rest of my life so why would I get mad and break up with you?"

Athena started laughing but still crying a bit. "I love you so much Marcus."

"I love you too." Marcus kissed her. The kiss soon turned into something more. Marcus started to rub against her and grabbed her but. "We gonna do it right here?"

"I don't see why not." she smiled and started kissing him. They had sex on the couch. It was like it always was for them. Marcus pleased her in a way that she never felt. Athena actually felt like she was making love. The room was dead silent and the only noise in the room was gasps and light moans.

After 45 minutes they were done. Athena looked at the clock and noticed it was getting late. She put her pants back on. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"I don't know, I might go MIA tommorow." Athena glared at him. "I'm playing."

Athena walked out the door. She finally felt free from all the guilt. She thought now she can move past that kiss with Chad and get more serious with Marcus. She walked outside to get into her car and drive home. Beside her car was a car that she had never saw before. Athena put it off as one of Marcus' many cars.

The driveway was lit besides in the guard's office. She walked past and saw that the guard was sleep in a weird way. His neck was hung low and it looked like he wasn't breathing. She sighed and mumbled to herself, "Can't believe he's getting paid to sleep." She walked to her car and started to drive home.

What she didn't know was that her boyfriend was inside getting kidnapped and the guard was dead.

A/N I think I'm getting close to the end of this book. I changed this book ending so many times. I'm still trying to find a way to incorporate all my ideas.

I also wanna say thanks to AbbyjRaye and PrettyGang8. They commented on many chapters and I wanna say thanks for making feel like an good author for this below average book.

So what did you guys think? Athena finally confessed. Do you think it will affect their relationship? And what do you think is going to happen to Marcus? Will he live... Or die? Who do you think kidnapped him?

As always...

You guys inspire me!!

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