Chapter 7: How You Feel?

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I woke up and saw that I had three missed calls from Marquis. I sighed because I thought he would finally be over me and move on.

I got up and got in the shower. When I got out I started straightening my hair. It took almost a whole hour and that's when I was moving fast. I didn't care too much because I always wake up 2 hours earlier than the time I leave for my bus. I brushed my teeth before going downstairs and eating some cereal.

My mom was about to leave for work. She had 15 minutes before she left and she usually talked to me during that time. “So how was yesterday 'Thena?”

I looked at cereal and sighed,“ It was horrible. So Marquis beat this boy up who likes me and when I went to go confront him, he was smoking weed! ”

My mom stared at me blankly, “Does his parents know? ”

I looked the other way. I knew all about Marquis' abusive parents who constantly compare him to his brother. Who beat him up when he gets tired of being compared to. “His parents aren't that much of an influence to him. ”

My mom was putting together her lunch. Well maybe he needs to try to listen to them.” she grabbed her jacket and kissed me on the forehead, “Bye Athena. Have a great day. ”

I watched her walk out the door, “If only she knew... ”


I looked at the time on my phone. 7:15 in the morning, the time I leave out for my bus every morning. I leave out with enough time in case the bus comes early, but not too much to where I'm standing outside for a long time.

I got to my bus and saw Melissa standing there. I started laughing because she looked so miserable. “What are you doing out here pretty girl? ”

She groaned,“My dad caught me with a boy so he took away my car.”

I laughed even harder. She was a true pretty girl who hated anything dirty. And here she was, standing out in the rain with the smallest umbrella and a skirt.

When the bus finally came, Melissa ran to the bus. She wasn't prepared for the puddle of water when the bus was pulling up. “What the fuck!”

The bus driver stared at her, “You gonna get on the bus or not? I ain't got time for this.”

“So you don't care?”she yelled at the bus driver.

“Nah. You da one coming out the house like a stripper. Now before I leave you here, get on the bus. ”

She started stumping on the bus,“You lucky I keep an extra outfit in my locker cause I would of been bumping.” the bus driver glared at her.

I pushed her, “Go sit down girl you ain't doing nothing. ” We sat in our seat which was the very last row. My phone vibrated as soon as I sat in my seat.

Marquis: can I talk to u?

I looked around and got a bit irritated. He was still trying to talk to me after I thought we worked out our problems. I texted him back:

What Marquis?

Marquis: it happened again...My momma and daddy

I looked out the window and immediately felt bad. Here I was about to dog him, and he's suffering. I dialed up his number and put my headphones in so no one would hear our conversation.

“Quise? Are you alright? ” I asked him sincerely.

“No Thena. My face look a fucking mess. My lip busted, eye black , and face swollen. All over something stupid. ” he said with anger in his voice.

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