Chapter 2: Break Up

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Marquis in multimedia section.

I cried the entire night.

Melissa and Marquis were blowing my phone up. Melissa wanted to know what happened and Marquis wanted to make up with me. I didn't want anyone in the world to talk to me. I turned my phone off and laid in the bed staring at the wall. I thought about all the things we have done. He was supposed to love me.

My mom knocked on the door. I didn't answer her. She stood there for a while, and then came in slowly. She looked at me and when I felt like she saw my tears I turned the other way. She came and sat on my bed and rubbed the cover where my leg was. I picked my head up enough to see her and we made eye contact.

"Aww baby what happened? What did Marcus do?" she said.

" Mommy , I thought he loved me. This was the second time." I broke down, but it wasn't my first time tonight .. My mom moved to self to hug me and I bold into her shoulders loudly. She patted my back and told me everything was going to be alright. She stayed there for hours talking to me about how men always do us wrong. Eventually I cried myself to sleep.

A few hours later

It was now Monday and I was getting ready for school. I washed up and spent a long time in the shower today. When I finally got out i brushed my teeth and put deodorant on. I stared at myself in the mirror and decided to not impress anyone today. I didn't put any makeup on , and wore all black. I combed my hair out straight and left it like that. I walked downstairs ams made my favorite cereal-fruit loops. I watched TV for 30 minutes until it was time for me to walk to the bus. it was raining a little so I ran upstairs and grabbed my hoodie and left the house. I walked to my bus and passed my other best friend's house. He was walking out when i past.

"Woah, why you dressed like super black?"he joked, and I laughed a little.

"Shut up Reyshaun. I'm not in the mood. "I turned away from him.

"Why? 'Quise didn't give you the good stuff? "he was a goofball. All he did was joke around.

"Marquis and I broke up. He cheated on me again." I held back the tears in my voice. He turned sincere and angry at the same time.

"He a straight bitch. That's all he do is play girls."The bus was here and we got on. We sat behind Melissa who was knocked out.

"Yeah. And I made a big scene on our date. It was really nice. I was thinking I should-"I started before Reyshaun cut me off.

"No your not going to talk to him. All he gone do is lie and say he never gone do it again. And you'll believe it. " He was probably right. I had a tendency of being called a push over.

"No. I him to know how he hurt me. " A tear ran down my face. We both were silent until we got to the school.

I walked to my locker and got my calculus book. The break up totally made me forget to do my homework. My teacher had a strict rule: no homework equals no class. She kicks you out of her class and doesn't care where you go afterwards. This was my first time so I was hoping I would get away with a warning.

The bell rang and class had started. Mrs. McGill seemed a little angry today and it was scary. She walked around checking homework and sent three kids out already before she got to me. I told her I didn't have it. She threw an entire fit about that.

"I can't believe it. The star student didn't do it. This is not about to happen. " She pointed at the door and I walked out with my head down. Some people laughed at me.

I walked to the library and greeted my the devil himself. Marquis was talking to his friends, and once he caught sight of meaway. smiled and ran to me. He disgusted me, not only because of last night but the fact he acted like nothing happened. He leaned in to give me a kiss and I shoved him away. He looked at me like I was stupid and I mean mugged him.

"What? "he said. He grabbed my hand and I pulled away. His friends were staring at me. They thought that this was funny.

" Don't play stupid with me Marquis. You know what you did to me. "I glared at him evilly. He started laughing.

"Baby see, this why we broke up. You're too angry. "

I couldn't believe him. He was trying to pin this all on me. " No! We broke up because you're an egotistical jerk who thinks he can talk to every girl without the consequences. This is the second time! Am I not supposed to be angry? " I yelled. It seemed like my voice amplified down the hallways.

"No. Now I told you that I'm sorry for that. That was two years ago. "His entire face changed. It now looked frustrated.

"You said that this time too! That was my best friend 'Quise! Now she hates me. You're just a friend wrecker and I want nothing else to do with you."I turned around and walked away.

"I love you Athena! "he yelled. I stopped where I was and faced him, boiling in anger.

Now remind you I'm not a lady at curses but this was too much for me. "No the hell you don't. Don't ever say that to me again."

A few classes later, it was time for lunch. I was still an emotional wreck, and I left the classroom often to cry in the bathroom. I seen Quise more often than usual and every time I ran away. I was no longer crying though but furious. I wanted nothing to do with men. they were sick to me. From now on I'll be single.

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