Chapter Ten

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I took a huge break off this story so I could rewrite the story arc, but just so you know, the I Island arc is going to be the most important.

Izuku walked over to his classroom before sitting down. Yesterday he had kept getting pestered by his classmates, wanting to hear about the Hero Killer. Once Izuku was sprung out of the hospital, he sped over to where Ingenium was and fixed his legs. Izuku left quickly before the hero could regain consciousness, though what he heard was that everybody thought a person with a very strong healing quirk popped in and saved the hero.

Izuku decided to have a small nap on the table when he heard a stampede of people outside of the door. He groaned, before standing up and heading to the door. He quickly unlocked it and looked at Iida's happy face along with the rest of his classmates.

"You saved him," Iida whispered to his friend. "Thank you," Izuku smiled in response. After everyone arrived, All Might's class was first. They were all told to head to Ground Alpha, so they suited up before heading there.

All Might was waiting there with another notebook. "So! Welcome back after the Internships! I hope you all learned something!" All Might said, "Because today, we will be doing a race!"

"Like the sports festival?" Todoroki inquired, raising a hand. "Close!" All Might said grinning. "But not quite. So I or the 'hostage' am going to sit in the middle of this area of pipes and the goal is to be the first person to get to my location and save me!"

Everyone nodded. "Is there going to be a pretend villain?" Izuku asked. "Like a real hostage situation?" "Yup!" All Might said. "The villain is... Nezu!" The Principle in question appeared outside of All Might's cape.

"What am I? A dog, a mouse, a bear? Most importantly, I am the principal!" Nezu said. "Now as All Might said, I will be equipped with a fake gun. Your goal is to rescue the hostage without the hostage getting maimed or 'killed'!"

"And group one is Midoriya, Iida, Sero, and Asui!" All Might called out. Izuku grinned. "Yes sir!" he shouted, before teleporting up to his starting point. Once everybody was ready, an alarm sounded.

Time to use what I learned, Izuku thought, before molding the psychic energy he could manipulate into a sort of armor and a blade to increase his physical ability and to help block attacks. He also turned invisible, a technique he learned with Edgeshot. He could only keep up his Armour and blades for ten minutes and Invisibility for ten minutes. Combined he had around six.

He darted forward quickly locating where All Might was and paused. It was stupid to go for All Might. He knew that Nezu was smart, and he wouldn't put the hostage in plain sight unless it was to lure people towards him. Izuku darted around the pipes, trying to locate the principle. He saw a paint gun bullet flying towards him.

Does he have heat vision goggles? Izuku thought, before cutting the bullet in half. He jumped forward again before teleporting to another pipe, avoiding another bullet when the entire pipe he was standing on collapsed.

Izuku looked around in alarm. He was tiring out quickly and he only had enough energy to keep up this form without the invisibility for 6 minutes. He could only teleport once. He was grabbed suddenly by tape. "Sero?" Izuku muttered, looking up. He flew up into the air as a tongue grabbed his waist and threw him onto a building. "Thanks," Izuku muttered, getting up.

"No problem!" Sero and Asui said, before turning back to face Nezu in a giant robot. "That's new," Sero said, examining Izuku's yellow armor. "It's effective," Izuku replied, making four more blades. "Take these, they are strong enough to cut through metal easily,"

"Thanks," Sero said, taking one. Izuku could see Iida in the distance. "Grab Iida and lets make a plan," Izuku said as the five minute buzzer sounded. The plan was for Sero to try to distract Nezu long enough for Asui using her camouflage from the left side and Izuku from the right side to go and destroy the laser and disarm Nezu while Iida rescues All Might.

The plan failed. Nezu easily blocked all of Sero's attacks and blasted Sero with the laser, leaving him out of commission. Izuku cursed under his breath before jumping forward to engage with Nezu. "Found you!" Nezu shouted, shooting a beam of light at Izuku.

He blocked the blast with his blades before shooting a blade of energy at Nezu. A giant shield appeared in front of the blade, blocking it. Izuku darted forward, and using the slightest amount of rewind, evaporated part of the shield and darted through. During that process, Izuku had blasted the ground once to kick up smoke and dust so he could hide. Once he was behind the shield Izuku stabbed the machine as Nezu's gun disappeared and All Might was rescued by Iida just as the one minute buzzer sounded.

Everybody else went, and much to their surprise, only two groups passed. Izuku and Todoroki. Bakugou had been taken out by a paintball and Momo was heavily out classed by the laser.

Todoroki finished before them, as he could just freeze the entire laser, distorting it early on and with the help of Hagakure knocking the gun out of Nezu's hands, Shinsou was able to grab it using his scarf and the rest of their team saved all Might.

Everybody was given a grade based on their team work. Izuku had a slightly higher rating than Todoroki because Todoroki's original plan was to solo the entire mission.


1. Midoriya: 6

2. Todoroki: 5.5

3. Asui: 4

4. Shinsou: 3.5

5. Iida: 3.5

6. Hagakure: 3

7. Jirou: 3 (She located where was Nezu and where was All Might due to the location of the villain and the hostage being different each time)

8. Sero: 2

9. Everyone else: 1

Word Count: 1033

Sorry for such a short chapter and not more frequent updates. I've been working on a new story called Ascension. It is in my profile right now if you want to read it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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