Chapter Three

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So Minetas is gonna get kicked out! Yay!

Izuku was nervous as he walked towards the front gate. Today was the day. The day that he would show everyone who he was. He prepared himself. This is the start! He thought. The start of my journey! He walked forward, looking around in awe. I heard that all the teachers at Yuuei are heroes. I heard a rumor that Present Mic was working here...

Suddenly, he clipped his foot on the edge of his foot, and he fell forward. Ah shoot. He thought. He was going to stop himself using his telekinesis, before he suddenly froze. What? He thought, surprised.

He wasn't using his quirk, so he looked around frantically, on guard. He calmed down once he realized that the girl that he had saved a few months ago, was smiling back at him. When he looked closer at the girl, he realized that her hands looked a little bit like animal paws. Maybe a five point touch? Stop geeking out over quirks!  He thought, mentally slapping himself.

"Sorry for using my quirk on you!" She said, still smiling. "I thought that it would be bad luck if you fell on your first day!" She said cheerfully.

She then took a better look at the boy in front of her. "Wait! It's you! You're the one that saved me! Thanks for saving me!" She said, sticking her hand out. "My name is Uraraka Ochako! Nice to meet you,"

"Um, M-m-Midoriya Izuku! Nice to meet you too!" He said, stuttering, his face red. He could take on villains no problem, but girls? That was uncharted territory. "Cool!" She replied, oblivious to his embarrassment. "See you around!" She said, and then she walked away, a slight skip in her step.

Oh my god! He realized, I talked to a girl! He walked forward, following the girl. Maybe I made a friend. He thought.

"Hey yo guys!" An unfamiliar sound brought him out of his thoughts. His eyes snapped up to see... The voice hero Present Mic. The rumors were right! He internally screamed, going into fanboy mode.

"I'm going to watch the entrance exam this time around! So let's jump straight into it!" He said, as a robot came around and gave each of them a pamphlet. Izuku looked down at the paper. It showed the dark silhouette of four... Robot shaped things? Do we need to fight robots or something? How unfair for people with non strength related quirks... He thought. The exam is flawed...

He then looked again and saw that his number was 5632. Huh. There are a lot of people here... He thought, looking around.

"So! Each of the robots you see on your paper are assigned point values! This one," He said, pointing towards a robot, "Is a one pointer. It is called Victory," It looked like that it's only weapon were its sharp claws as its hand, and it appeared to have a wheel instead of legs. Not much of a threat, He thought, bored.

The second robot, which was called a two pointer, was called an Imperial. It looked like a scorpion, and looked to have blasters instead of a barbed tail.

"And the final robot is the three pointer!" Present Mic said, grinning, and proceeded to point at a third robot. Its name was the Venator. It looked to have a lot of armor plating, and a few missiles on top of the robot.Jeez, Izuku thought, looking more closely. Are they trying to kill someone? He thought. Those sharp claws are more than enough to cause some solid wounds. "And now, let the e-"

"Wait sir!" Said a blue haired teen, standing up. All the eyes looked at the boy with interest. "On this paper, it showed four robots, and you had only explained three! If this is a misprint then I am very disappointed! This is supposed to be a very pregestous school!" He said, doing some weird hand motion. Huh, I was going to ask about that fourth robot... Izuku thought, looking at the boy. He has engines on his calves... Maybe a speed based quirk like Ingenium? He wondered.

"And you!" The boy said, pointing at Izuku. "H-huh? Me?" Izuku said, surprised. "Yes you!" The boy responded. "You've been looking around with this disinterest look the entire time! If this is a game for you then I suggest that you leave!" he said, before looking away. "S-s-orry," he muttered, looking down.

"Huh... To answer your question, examine 7111, it is not a misprint! The fourth robot is known as the Executor! Unlike the others, this one has no point values! It's like an obstacle in a video game, and will be in your best interest to avoid it!" Present Mic said, "Now, with one more message to hype you up! GO BEYOND-" "PLUS ULTRA!" The crowd shouted. "Exam starts now!"

Izuku walked out the door and to his designated location. Huh, they really went all out on this city, didn't they? He thought as he looked around. He decided to do some stretches while he waited, and got ready.

"Go!" Present Mic shouted. Izuku dashed forward, and flew towards the robots immediately, taking out a two pointer. "What are you waiting for? There's never a countdown in a real fight! Follow that kid!" He shouted at the shocked examines. They jolted into action and charged forward, trying to keep up.

Izuku charged forward, and rewounded another three pointer. He looked around to see a one pointer charging at an unexpecting contestant. They need to be more careful, He thought, as he compressed the robot, and he heard a wiz behind him, and dived to the side, before touching the offending three pointer. They treat this like a game. He ran forward again to catch his breath. 83 points, He thought. Should be enough to pass.

Suddenly, he heard a giant creaking sound. He whirled around to see... The zero pointer. He looked as the robot crushed an entire building. Jeez, that robot must be expensive, He thought, whistling a bit. No point to fight it though. He turned away, and jogged away.

"Help!" He heard a cry behind him. He stopped immediately, and looked back. He froze. It was the girl from before.

She was trapped under some rubble, and her foot was stuck. She was reaching her hand out, begging for help.

It would be bad luck if you fell on your first day right?

Nice to meet you!

You would make a great hero!

You already are a hero!

Good luck on the exams!

"No!" He shouted, and he ran forward, using his quirk to blast himself forward. He threw the rubble out of the way, and picked up the girl. With his free hand, he quickly touched the robot, and turned it back into a jumble of spare parts. He grabbed a street lamp and swung himself back, doing a front flip, and landing on the ground, and slowly put the girl down.

I'm sorry ok, I suck at combat scenes!

He fell down on his butt, and started panting. The crowd looked in shock.

They started to murmer among themselves. "He took out that robot in one shot!" Someone said.

Meanwhile, someone was thinking about something different. Didn't they all see? He rushed in to save the girl. I would have done the same if this wasn't an exam... Wait... Exam? One Tenya Iida thought. Izuku slowly stood up to go.

"And where do you think you're going?" Said a voice behind him. Izuku turned around slowly. "Uh, home?" He said sheepishly. "Oh no you aren't," Said an old lady. "I'm getting your wounds checked." She said, as she looked over the girl and Izuku. "Tut," Recovery Girl said, as she clicked her tongue. "A twisted ankle for her, and a lot of bruises for you," She said, pointing at him.

Izuku grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. She bent down to kiss the girl, healing her ankle. "Does anyone else need to get checked?" She hollered, looking around. "I'm getting old! I can't check all of you!" She added. Izuku looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention to him, and blasted off. "Hey! Get back here you hooligan!" Recovery Girl shouted after him. "I still need to check your wounds idiot!" Izuku paid her no heed, and blasted out of the school. He had a lot to think about.

Ayy! New chapter out for the exams! This time without him having OFA!

Word Count: 1419

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