Chapter Six

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Izuku looked in confusion at the crowd in front of him. Suddenly, a reporter walked in front to him, and held out a microphone.

"Hey, can you tell us how it's like working so closely with All Might?" She asked. "I, Have class, I need to go!" Izuku said, waving his hands around, and tore off.

"Are you one of All Might's students?" The reporter asked desperately, interviewing Uraraka. "Tell us how he's like in person!"

"Um, how's he like?" Ochako responded, "He's... Super muscular I guess?" She said. "How is The Symbol of Peace faring as a teacher?" The same reporter asked, looking at Iida.

"He is one of the many things that remind me that I am learning at one of the most prodigious schools in Japan, and of course he is the personnel of honor and integrity, and he isn't afraid to show us his more humors side," To which the reporter slumped in defeat and moved on to the next victim.

"Excuse me kid, are you in All Might's class?" She asked, walking next to Bakugou. "Oh wait, hold on, you're that sludge villain kid," She said. "Go away," He said, walking faster.

"Excuse me sir, could you get All Might?" She asked again, talking to Aizawa. "No, he's not on campus today. You also annoyed my students enough today," He said, then turned and walked away. "Wait sir! The viewers want to know how All Might is adjusting to life as a teacher!" She said,

Aizawa ignored her, and walked on. "All right," She said, "If they won't bring out All Might, I'll go looking for him myself!" She said, and marched towards the gate. "Wai-" One of her colleagues tried to warn her, but the gate had gone off, with a beep, and metal walls boarded up the gate.

"Ahh!" She shouted, scrambling back. "Whats happening?" She asked. "Don't you know about the school's defenses?" The guy asked, helping her up. "This thing is the Yuuei barrier!"

"Barrier! The thing nearly killed me!" The reporter said. "Yeah well, it's supposed to keep anyone who doesn't have a student ID or special pass from entering the campus," The guy replied, pointing towards the gate.

"Keeping the public out," The reporter muttered. "This school thinks it's untouchable!" She shouted. "They could at least give me one interview with All Might," She said. "I know right?" Said the same guy again. "We have been here for two days, and I don't even have a single comment on the record yet!"

The news that Yuuei had hired All Might had taken the entire nation by surprise. Izuku thought. The press swarmed the school trying to get a story. Everyone wanted All Might after all.

"Good job on the combat training yesterday," Aizawa said. "I looked over the recording yesterday, and I have some feedback." He finished, looking around.

"Bakugou, you're talented, but an idiot. When you unleashed that big explosion at Midoriya, you nearly killed him, and injured the 'bomb', risking killing everyone there. If it was a real life situation, you would all be dead," He said.

"Now, this will be the first important decision in your career," He said, looking around. Is it another quirk test? Everyone thought, looking nervous. "You need to choose a class president," Aizawa finished.

Oh, just normal school stuff, Everyone thought in relief. Kirishima stood up, waving his hands. "Pick me guys, I want to be class rep!" He said. "I'll take it," Said Kaminari. Jirou raised her hands when she saw Kaminari. "Yeah, i'll think you would need me," She said.

"I'm totally the best choice!" Said Mina, being excited. Would it be like this, Izuku thought, in a normal school? "Wait!" Iida said, standing up. "The job of the class president is to lead others! That means they need the trust of the class! So we should choose our class Representative by popular vote!" He said. "Is that right Sensei?" He asked. It's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you, Ochako thought, sweat dropping.

"I don't care, do what you want," Aizawa said, rolling up in his sleeping bag. "Thank you for your trust!"

Election results:

Izuku Midoriya: 4

Momo Yaoyorozu: 3

Tenya Iida: 2

(Just the top three)

"W-what?" Izuku stuttered, looking around. "Nerd, I voted for you because you're a good leader," Izuku turned around to see Bakugou glaring at him. "You better not disappoint me Izuku," He said, accusingly.

"O-ok Kacchan!" Izuku said.

Lunch Time

"Why is this place so crowded?" Ochako complained, shoving rice into her mouth. "But this rice is so good!" She said.

"It's because other courses eat here too," Iida said. "I don't think I'm cut out for class rep guys," Izuku said nervously. "You'll be fine," Ochako said. "Yes, Your quick thinking under stress will make you a great leader, It's why I voted for you," Iida finished, doing his waving motions.

"You were one of the four?" Izuku asked. "Iida, I have a question," Ochako asked. "Yes?" Iida said, looking back.

"The way you act, admit it. You're rich!" She said. Iida froze in shock. She's right, Izuku thought. The Ingenium family must be rich, they have been heroes for a while now. "yes," Iida admitted. "I come from the Ingenium family," He said, standing up. "As the second oldest son in the Iida family, I look up to my family and strive to be just like them!" He finished.

"Iida," Izuku said softly. Iida looked down at the boy. "Yes Midoriya?" He inquired. "Your admiration for your brother is like a shackle," Izuku said, and stood up.

"Wai-" Iida said, trying to grab Izuku's shoulder. Just then the alarm went off.

"Level three Security Breach!" Said the system. Izuku instantly grabbed an upperclassman. "What does that mean?" He said. "It means that someone got past the Yuuei Barrier!" The senior said frantically. "It had never happened in all the three years I've been here!"

Izuku jolted into action, and realized that a stampede was going on. He blasted himself to a window, and looked out, and face palmed. It was just the press. Izuku looked away, and blasted up to in front of the door, using his energy to create a barrier.

"Everyone!" He shouted. "It is just the press! Calm down! Aren't we supposed to be Yuuei students?" He said. Slowly but surely, the crowd looked out the window and it slowly dispersed. Izuku jumped down with a sigh, and walked back to the classroom.

"All right. Tomorrow you will be doing training along with three pros," Eraserhead said, to the class. "Yes sensei!" Izuku said, feeling better. Izuku walked out the gate feeling relieved, until he heard a shout. "Nerd!" Izuku turned around to see Bakugou running at him. "K-Kacchan?" Izuku asked.

"I wanted to ask," Bakugou said, looking down. "Would you like to live with us?" "Huh?" Izuku said, confused. "I'm not going to repeat it nerd!" Bakugou shouted. "Because the old hag thought that you didn't have a place to go to, you could live in our guest bedroom. We even have all your old stuff," He finished.

"Yeah!" Izuku said, hugging Bakugou. Bakugou froze, and pushed him off, and walked away. Thanks, Kacchan. Izuku thought.

Ayy! USJ arc next chapter!

Word Count: 1223

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