Chapter 3

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Octavia's POV
We soon landed somewhere. Diyoza that had gone inside the anomaly before me was already being taken away.

She turned to me despite the men's hold on her and screamed, "Octavia, don't tell them anything!"

I looked around me estimating the situation. I fought their hold on me and started running towards the first opening I saw.
Soon I saw what looked like an elevator and went inside, without pressing any buttons it started moving on it's own.

It came to a halt and the doors opened. I ran through the corridor. I took a turn when I saw a garden. I sprinted inside but I soon realized that I was still trapped in the building.

Suddenly a man appeared out of nowhere tackling me to the ground.

I looked up at the man and realized that other men had appeared around me.

Then the man who was holding me down said
"Welcome to Bardo."


I woke up strapped on a chair disorientated. I started trying to move.

"Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you." I heard a voice coming from the side before the one who spoke was infront of me.

"My name is Levitt. I'm just gonna need you to cooperate so I can find out what I need to know. I meant what I just said Octavia, I will not harm you if you don't fight my tests."

"Tests? What kind of tests?"

"The neurolink is engaged."

I didn't understand what he just said and he wasn't looking at me so it probably meant that he wasn't talking to me. Then though he turned to me.

"You're in an endless desert with a purple sky, a hand reaches out for your own, whose is it?"

I didn't answer back but I saw all the people that I love infront of me like a video tape.

Then I heard a familiar voice and saw flashes of my memories on the screen where only Bellamy's face was left.

"My sister, my responsibility."

"You will always fit in with me."

I couldn't stand this, I needed it to stop but my mind kept flashing to every memory of my brother that I had. The emotions I felt were getting too much, my breathing too quick, my hands too sweaty.


They had been going at this for hours,days maybe months.I didn't know.
I was so tired,I couldn't control my thoughts. Suddenly I saw Hope appear on the screen and my heart started beating too fast.

"Octavia who's she?"

"No,please leave her out of your report and I will tell you everything you wanna know. She's just a kid."

"Okay then. Let's try this again."


Hope's POV

I arrived on Bardo and trying to remember the directions that Dev had given me.I started my search for aunty O and mom in the m-cap room.

I was lucky to see aunty O inside but I wasn't so lucky because there was a man with her. Without forming a plan in my head I went into the room.
Before they even realised I was here I put a knife on the man's neck.

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