Chapter 6

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Octavia's POV

I felt someone shaking me. I was confused, I didn't know what was happening around me. My eyes fluttered open. I heard voices that sounded distant but close at the same time.

I slowly focused my eyes only to see Hope and Gabriel standing over me. Looking around I noticed Echo standing far off and the m-cap guy dead on the ground.

"Octavia?" Gabriel was asking and I realized that he was the one shaking me.

"What the hell is going on?" I weakly said.

"We came to rescue you aunty O. I'm so glad you're okay." Hope exclaimed

"Rescue me? How have you made it so far?"

"It's a long story, a five years one to be exact. We don't have time right now we'll talk after we find mom."

"Well, okay then. Let's go. What happened to this guy though?" I asked while pointing at the dead body.

"I killed him. I did what I had to do." Echo chipped in. Those were the first words she'd spoke since I woke up and apparently the last because after that she immediately turned around and started walking through the exit - obviously not waiting for us to follow her and thinking we'd do it anyway.

Hope just looked at me, shrugged and walked after Echo, Gabriel following behind her.

Well then, looks like I have to follow as well. I thought and struggled to get up and follow after them.

We were going through random corridors, hoping to find Diyoza. I wasn't very optimistic that we would find her this way.

"Maybe we should find Levitt first and ask him." I suggested.

Hope turned to look at me with a look, "Oh well, if you think it's necessary."

"Can we focus?" Echo interrupted us angrily.

At that I stopped walking.

"What is your problem? Levitt could actually help us find her. Do you really prefer aimlessly walking around not knowing where to go and where there are guards?"

"I didn't say I have a problem with Levitt, I said that maybe we should focus more on Diyoza than your little boyfriend."

"My little boyfriend? Are you serious?"

"What is going here?"

A familiar voice cut us off and we turned around to see...


"In the flesh. But what exactly is happening here?"

"Echo and I had a- disagreement of sorts. Nothing to worry about."

"Yeah, but besides that, I mean what are all of you doing here? And who is this?"

At that, Hope stepped forward.

"Mum, it's me, Hope."

"H- Hope? My baby- you're all grown up now. I- I didn't even recognize you."

"I know mum, a lot of years have passed on  Skyring. But it doesn't matter. I'm here now. We're all here now to help you."

"We can all talk about this later. We really need to find Levitt now. He's our only way off this planet." I reminded them, sad to break the moment between mother and daughter but knowing this was more important.

"Wow, I feel flattered and very glad that I've finally found you before them." I heard a voice coming from behind me.

"Levitt? Were you looking for us? And by them, I assume you mean the disciples."

"Yup. The disciples are looking for you and Diyoza. They know that you're trying to escape and that you've got your friends helping you. I came here to tell you that you should probably go right at the end of the corridor and you'll find the oxygen farm. That will be your way out."

"Thank you." I replied. I turned to leave but at the last moment I decided against it. "May we meet again."  I almost whispered to him, truly hoping that we would meet again.

Suddenly we heard a loud noise and turned back to see disciples running towards us.

"Punch me."  Levitt ordered me, as he realised that disciples were coming our way.

I hesitated. I didn't want to have to hurt him again.

"Hurry up, they're coming. If they know I helped you I'll never be able to help you again."

I took a deep breath. He just looked at me and nodded, as if reassuring me that it would be fine.

"Punch me and run. May we meet again Octavia."

I hit him and with one final glance at him, I started running towards the oxygen farm. I was quite surprised when I noticed everyone else following me, I had completely forgotten they had been right here this entire time.

We didn't have to run a lot before we were outside what could only be the oxygen farm.

As we were trying to find the entrance the disciples had gotten up to us.

"You shouldn't even try to get in there. You'll die."

"Oh yeah? And how do I know you're not just saying that to capture us again?"

I just hoped I sounded more confident than I felt.

"You don't know that. But I wouldn't take the risk if I were you."

"Octavia, I think we should listen to them." Gabriel advised.

"That's right. Listen to your friend Octavia. Don't be stupid."

"No, I trust Levitt way more than them." I whispered to him and the rest of the team. Everyone else looked unsure but Gabriel seemed to be convinced that the disciples were telling the truth.

"Guys, Levitt wouldn't have lied to us. If you don't trust him, at least trust me." I continued, hoping this would convince them.

"Okay then, let's go. I trust you Octavia." Diyoza said as she went to open the door and the rest of us formed a circle around her to protect her from the disciples in case they shot. We needed to get in the farm.

As it turned out, the disciples shouldn't have been our worry because before we knew it Gabriel was the one shooting at us with his suit's laser gun.

That was the last thing I saw before passing out.

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