Hc 12

527 9 3

So it's was pretty easy to find out that N-Pacer and Headphones were lesbians, and pretty easy to find out that they liked each other....and when I mean easy I mean painfully obvious, heck, so obvious that Goggles even knows it. So that's why Goggles is basically Headphones wingman, but it sounds harder then it looks. Goggles has to hide his anger and painful agony behind his cute and innocent smile, while he watches these two lesbians be super obvious but oblivious cause neither of them can find out that the other has a crush on them even though it's freaking OBVIOUS.

In-fact, one time when Goggles was helping Headphones try to confess to N-Pacer, it was painful as it was pretty dang clear that Headphones tried to give something romantic to N-Pacer, but yet N-Pacer didn't realize that it was something romantic. Not only that, but when N-Pacer tried to give something romantic to Headphones, the same thing happened, Headphones didn't realize that it was something romantic. This made Goggles painfully angry, but he once again hid it behind his smile. Meanwhile, Rider was around the same place as them and saw what was happening between Headphones and N-Pacer, this also made him angry as the two of them were freaking idiots. But then, he saw Goggles on a table looking at the two lesbians, but something was strange. Rider noticed that Goggles smile looked more forced. So that's why Rider went up to Goggles to see if he was okay. When Rider asked Goggles if he was alright, next thing you know, Rider was literally thrown trough a window into one of the stores.....and that's the story of how N-Pacer and Headphones are freaking more oblivious.

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