Hc 11

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Headphones is the Mom Friend. In fact one time the rest of blue team even started chanting 'Team Mom'.  Here's why.

Bobble hat:  "Hey Headphones, can you help me set up my doctors appointment?"

Headphones:  "Isn't that something that your parents can help you with?"

Bobble hat:  "but aren't you kind of like our mom. You act like it"

Headphones:  "No I don't"

Specs:  "ya know...Bobble hat dose have a point"

Headphones:  "how!?"

Specs:  "Will you do tend to have motherly tendencies. And you also to tend to help us with many things a mother would usually help her child with"

Headphones:  "Why don't you guys just ask your actual parents to help you?"

Specs:  "That would be impossible. Goggles parents left him to live with his grandma.  Bobble hats parents are dead. And my parents live in another town far away from Inkopolis. So in conclusion you are kinda like are mom"

Bobble Hat & Goggles:  "Team Mom! Team Mom!"

Headphones:  "....really...."

-Bobble hat and goggles continue to chant team mom...specs also joins in-

Bobble hat, Goggles, & Specs:  "Team Mom! Team Mom"

Headphones:  "Even you specs!"

Specs:  "It's a catchy chant"

Goggles:  "....Team mom!"

Headphones:  "One more Chant out of any of you and no slushies after Practice!"

(Based on an abridged episode I watched)

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