Incorrect Quote 4

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(Inspired by a TikTok)

Context: Basically the S4, Goggles, Rider, Gloves, and Emperor decided to all hang out for some random ass reason, but then they got separated into two groups for some reason and somehow by accident. Which leads us Gloves and Emperor fighting which way they should go find their friends, while Aloha and Goggles suffer watching these two gay idiots with way to much sexual tension on hand. And let's just say even Goggles is sick of their nonsense....that's how you know it's bad

Gloves and Emperor: -fighting-

Aloha: -interrupts them- "Why don't you two cut this shit out and get to the part where you admit your sexual feelings for one another."

Goggles: "I agree, you guys need to talk about your feelings instead of fighting."

Emperor: "WHAT?!?!


Aloha: "Oh spare us spare us spare us!" -goes over to Gloves- "Yes yes, I get it. Emperor is a bitch, I know. Probably reminds you of a bad relationship. And gosh, you really want a nice man to settle, but admit it! You really want to know what he's like in the Sack!!!"


Goggle: -turns to Emperor- "As for you, I think your just hiding your true feeling under a fake persona cause sadly the last time you opened your heart you got hurt."

Emperor: "EXCUSE ME ME!?"

Aloha: "And now, rather then admit these feelings, your dancing around one another with this mind numbing and frankly boorish mating ritual."

Goggles: "So can you guys please stop fighting-"

Aloha: -interrupts Goggles- "Or go get a room, tear of those cloths and just get over with it already!!!

Gloves and Emperor: "................."

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