One shot 1

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Today was like any other day in Inkoplis. So that means it was a beautiful day. Team Blue were on there way to Inkoplis square to do some practice. That's when they ran into Rider, who was for some reason talking with the S4.

Goggles: "Hey Rider!"

Rider and The S4 turn around and see team blue.

Aloha: "What's up team Blue?"

Headphones: "We were just heading to Inkoplis Square for practice"

Team Blue, Rider, and the S4 then chatted for awhile about stuff. That was when a random Inkling walk by and saw Team Blue, Rider, and the S4. The inkling then saw how Short Goggles was to everyone else. They then walked up to Team Blue and said,

Random Inkling: "Ha, I cant believe the So many teams lost to a team who has someone so short" *looks at Goggles*

Goggles: "....What did you just call me"

Random Inkling: "Short"

The rest of team blue then start to back up slowly.

Army: "Are you okay?"

Rider: "Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?"

Specs: "I recommend you back up" *scared for life*

Skull: "and why?"

Bobble Hat: *points to Goggles and the Random Inkling*

Random Inklings: "I mean seriously, how are you this short" *starts laughing*

Goggles: *has a blank expression and staring at the Inkling*

Random Inkling: *still laughing*

Goggles: "...Do you wanna Fight?"

The way Goggles said that made the S4 and Rider shiver. This wasn't the way Goggles usually acted. Usually Goggles would just not realize when someone insults him or just ignore it. But they didn't expect Goggles asking this Inkling if that want to fight. Also with the blank Expression Goggles has it looks terrifying.

Random Inkling: "Oh please as if you ca-"

The random Inkling then gets Kicked in the way By Goggles. Goggles then proceeds to Attack the Random Inkling.

Mask: "...." *honestly doesn't really care*

Skull: *is secretly scared for life so he back up*

Army: "What is Happening?!" *legit confused on why Goggles is attacking the random Inkling*

Aloha: "Jeez Goggles, Calm down Dude! Your scaring the (insert h word) Out of me!"


The rest of Team Blue: *are just sipping tea because they seen this before and know not to interfere*

Random Inkling: *screaming in pain*

Goggles: "NEVER CALL ME SHORT AGAIN!!!" *is defeating the Random Inkling in this fight*

After the fight was done the Random Inkling looks like they have been to war. And Goggles looks absolutely Terrifying right now.

Goggles: *has a blank Expression...but the. Goes back to his Happy mode in the matter of 0.001 seconds* "Anyway what were we talking about?"

Mask: *still doesn't Care*

Skull: "....." *still scared*

Army: "I can not unsee what I just Saw" *begins to write in his manual about why you should never call Goggles short"

Aloha: "okay, got to admit that was cool...but you need to chill"

Rider: ".....what the ACTUAL (INSERT F WORD)!!"

Team Blue: *continuing to sip there tea*

(A/N please fell free to correct me on my grammar, I never wrote a one shot before, so there might be some mistakes)

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