Oneshot 2

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(A/N: Happy 4th of July Everyone. Also this one shot is based on a comic called Future Child from the miraculous ladybug fandom. Also Just pretend the manga characters are either 15 or 16. Goggles is 15. Rider is 16.)

Goggles and Rider were just hanging out in the courtyard of The High School Goggles attends. There wasn't a lot a people on where they at, in fact the place was kinda empty, and it was just the two of them Alone. They liked each other very much and WOULD make a cute couple if one of them just asked the other out already. That was when a little Green Inkling child(also the child is a girl) ,probably 4 or 5, came up to them.

Inkling Child: "...hello" *looks confused*

Rider and Goggles turn around and see a lost , adorable, Inkling child.

Goggles: "awww" *thinks that the Inkling child is adorable*

Inkling Child: *looks around, and looks at Goggles and Rider again*

Rider: "she looks confused, must've lost her parents"

Goggles: "We should help her find her parents then"

Inkling Child: "Dad!" *looks and points at Rider*

Rider: ".....wait" *thinks about what the inkling child just called him* "What!? Dad!?"

Goggles: "Awwww, how cute, she thinks that your her daddy"

Rider: *turns to Goggles* "It's not cute!" *turns back to The child* "Anyway, what your name?"

Inkling Child: "Nikko! Nikko Akiyama"

(A/n: I have no idea what the last names of the manga characters are, so that's why I gave Rider a last name, his last name is Akiyama. Comment if you want the other characters last names)

Goggles: "........"

Rider: "........"

Goggles: *remembers that Nikko is the name that he wanted to give to his future child*

Rider: *Thinks about how Akiyama is his last name as well, and wonders if Nikko is a long distance relative he never heard of*

Nikko: *is confused*

Rider: "O-Okay Nikko, can we also ask you for the name of your parents? We might know them"

Nikko: "Rider and Goggles Akiyama"

Goggles: *blushes like crazy*

Rider: *blushes like crazy*

Nikko: *looks at Goggles and points at him* "Daddy"

Goggles and Rider continue to blush like crazy. Luckily there was no one else in the courtyard. They were too busy blushing to notice a portal opened and a older version of Rider, property the age of 24, or 25 came out of it.

Adult Rider: "There you Are" *picks up Nikko*

Nikko: "Dad"

Adult Rider: "Where did you wonder off too? Me and your Daddy have been looking every where for you. You made your Daddy worried Sick...and almost made me have to fight someone just to find you"

Nikko: "I went to go play at the part and ended up here"

Adult Rider: "You didn't talk to any strangers did you?"

Nikko: "No, just a younger looking version of you Dad"

Adult Rider: "Younger...Version..." *notices His younger self and Goggles younger self*

Just then a older version of Goggles, probably the age 23 or 24, came out of the portal.

Adult Goggles: "Deer, Did you find Nikko?"

Adult Rider: "Yes but...I'm pretty there is a problem"

Adult Goggles: "Problem..." *notices his younger self and Rider younger self*

Goggles and Rider finally noticed the portal, and the older version of them selfs in ground of them.

Adult Goggles: "Um...Hey...younger us! Just forget what happened the past few minutes, okay?! No, time traveling daughter, no portals, and no older version of your selfs. You don't want the reveal to be spoiled yet now do you?"

The younger Rider And Goggles just stares at them Confused. Meanwhile the adult versions of Rider and Goggles are about to go through the portal.

Nikko: "Bye Dad and Daddy!"

Nikko, Adult Rider, and Adult Goggles, go trough the portal and then the portal closes. Meanwhile the Present day Rider and Goggles are Confused and Blushing.

Just then the rest of team Blue enters the court yard, unaware what just happened.

Headphones: "Hey you two, what are you guys doi-"

Rider: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" *continues to scream either of Confusion of what just happened, Happiness that He and Goggles will get together in the future, or Both*

Goggles: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". *continues to scream either of Confusion of what just happened, Happiness that He and Rider will get together in the future, or both. He then faints*

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