Hc 10

779 10 6

N-Pacer has a few admirers(to be fair N-pacer is amazing) but no matter how many times her admires try to ask her out, she always says no.  N-Pacer is low key kinda getting annoyed by some of those admires, the reason...they keep ruining her chances to ask out Headphones.  Like one time when she asked Headphones to 'hang out',  she was planing to ask her out... but then one of her admirers decided to try and ask out N-Pacer and completely ruined the moment when she was about to ask out Headphones. And even when her admirers don't ruin the moment when ever N-Pacer trys to ask Headphones to be her girlfriend, she still has trouble asking headphones out, the reason.....N-Pacer low key has a gay panic and can't really function for about a solid 2 minutes when ever she try's to ask headphones to be her girlfriend, so it then it gets really awkward.

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