Oneshot 3

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(A/N: this is based of a video I saw. Also Aia is one of Riders mom)

-Back when Rider was 5, he and one of his Moms, Aia, went to the park, but then being the little Bad(insert a word) that he is he ran off, making Aia very worried-

Aia:  "Rider, were are you son, Mama wants to go home and get dru-...go to sleep"


Aia: *talking to some random Inklings*  "Has anyone seen my Son!?!"


Aia:  "RIDER! That mother's adrenaline is kicking in"


Aia: "RIDER"

-later...but at a school-

Aia: "I can see every equation"  *looking at at white board with math problems on it*

-later back at the park-

Aia: *talking to another random inkling*  "Excuse ma'am, have you seen my son?! He about this tall, clearly gay but we haven't had the talk yet"

-later near a coffee shop-

Aia: "RIDER ARE YOU IN THERE!?!"  *kicks a garbage can and sees nothing...but then sees the coffee shop*  "Oh look, my lucks beginning to change" the coffee shop Aia is enjoying her coffee but then some else(who is definitely not me) who is In the coffee spits out there coffee-

Pink(definitely not me):  *spits out coffee*  "WHO THE (INSERT F WORD) PUTS SOY MILK IN THERE COFFEE!?!"

-later...once again-

Aia:  "You know where my son is?!?" 

-later....once again again a

Aia: "RIDER!!!"



-meanwhile back at the park, Rider is playing with another inkling almost his age. The other inkling Rider was playing with was a blue inkling who wore a pair of Pilot Goggles-

(....5 year old Rider and 4 year old Goggles playing together is something I didn't know I needed)

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