✩ 𝟷𝟻. 𝙸 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞 ✩

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Muffled voices...Blurry lights...Achy limbs...
Denki slowly opened his eyes to see himself in an unfamiliar place. He could see a brick wall, a bar and a relatively small table.

Where exactly was he?!

He heard someone trying to open the door, so Denki quickly closed his eyes shut. Somebody began to talk. "His quirk could be good for All for One. Not sure why the kid had to take him instead of someone else...What do you think, Boss." All for one? Quirk related talk? What is going on?!

Denki squinted his eyes to see if he could find any information that is useful. A shady, blue-haired male began to scratch his throat. "Yes...well...we extracted part of the electricity, but not enough...I feel like that's all we are going to get out of it though..." He grabbed a notebook with what looks like it had key information written down. Denki leaned forwards ever so slightly to try and get a closer look, but alas. The two were already leaving. Denki usually played dumb, but now was the time to think strategically. He knew he had to escape.

Denki tried to get up and move. He couldn't.
Denki had his hands trapped tightly together. He was also tied to a chair he was sitting on. Denki took a closer look at the contraption holding his hands together... A keyhole... Where was he going to find that key?! "Well well well..." Denki's gaze shot up in a panic as he saw some bright green eyes appearing from the corner of the room. Izuku spun around as he pointed at "Denki Kaminari! How very nice to see you here and not by Kacchan."

Denki gritted his teeth and tried to kick the contraption off of himself. "Why am I here, Izuku? That blue hair man too? What are you all planning?!"

Izuku started laughing. But not a nice, giggly laugh.
A loud, psychopathic laugh. "Isn't it obvious, Kaminari..." he walked slowly towards Denki and placed his hand on the same spot as to what Denki thought of as a few minutes ago. Izuku began caressing the boy's cheek again. "You love Kacchan...and so do I..." Next, he grabbed a hold of Denki's collar and jolted it, so the boy was closer to him. Denki stared at Izuku with panic in his eyes. "Only one of us can afford to love him, Kaminari...and I feel like it should be me..."


Back at the UA dorms, it was getting pretty late, and everyone decided to go to bed. Well, one person decided for them. Tenya was doing strange hand movements while giving orders. "Everyone, it is 11:30! You all need to go to sleep!!"


"Bakubitch...what's wrong.." Mina nudged him.
He didn't want to answer, so Katsuki just shook his head. In truth, he was on edge of something. That damn Deku and Sparky were missing.
And those two didn't have combat training together.

"Hey, man. It's totally cool if you don't want to say your feelings..." Eijiro reassured Katsuki.

"Yeah! Just know that we are always here for you, dude.." Hanta Sero told him. Ochako, Tenya and Shoto were beside him for emotional support.

Katsuki took a deep breath and began. "You guys tell anyone I have said all of this and I'll blast your ass to the sun."

"Katsuki, I understand that you do not want your tough persona to fade away, but you can trust us all." Tenya exclaimed.

Katsuki huffed. "Fine, fine. So, are you losers ready to hear, I guess?" Everyone nodded in unison and listened. "I'm....fucking hell... I'm worried for Sparky...okay? He had training with that bastard, Hitoshitty, who fucking hates me for no reason?! And the nerd is missing too, so that can't be good..."

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