✩ 𝟸𝟶. 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚎𝚝 ✩

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"YEAHHHHH!!" Katsuki whipped his head round to see Mina cheering and clapping as best as she could from outside of her cell. She was giggling away, while saying, "I CALLED IT! I FUCKING CALLED IT. YOU LIKE CUTIENARI!" Katsuki was confused on how the girl got out, until he gazed behind her to see some of her acid left on the iron bars.

Katsuki Bakugou's face heated up slightly, hearing 'Kaminari' "YOU DIDN'T CALL SHIT, PINKY."

"FIRST OFF, YOU IS A TOMATO." Katsuki glared at her while doing middle fingers. "SECOND, YOU SAID, AND I QUOTE," She took a deep breath, and made her voice go as deep as it went. "I have a fucking crush on tha-"

She was cut off by an angry voice. "OKAY. OKAY, WE BOTH FUCKING GET IT." Katsuki did a face palm to himself and muttered. "If Deku really thought doing all of this would make me like him back, he was wrong..." He turned back to Mina, who was grinning wide. "Fucking help me out here, why don't ya?!"

"Yeah yeah, gimme a sec-" She took aim, and fired like an expert. Mina was satisfied as she watched the acid begin to crumble and burn away the steel iron bars. As he watched the rods sizzle and crackle, Katsuki was confused as to how Mina knew.
Was he really that oblivious?! "And....Done!!"
There was now a large opening available instead of a padlock. Katsuki stepped over the pool of acid on the floor and joined Mina in the corridor.


As the two walked down back to the main enterance,  Katsuki could see multiple empty cells. Some had more items inside, like a toilet, or a toothbrush, whereas other cells had nothing inside them at all.
"Tch, where are those damn other extras, Pinky?!"

"They are fine! Don't worry about it Dande-"

"Don't even think about it."

Mina glared as she rolled her eyes. "Fine....But don't worry about it, Katsuki! Ochako found a vent from above and floated out of it, Hanta found a nearby key and taped it towards him, Shoto melted the bars, before cooling it all down with his ice and Eijiro managed to snap the bars as if it was a toothpick!!"
The girl smiled as she continued to talk. "He's really strong, Eijiro. The manliest man I know. So cool and...cute too.."

Katsuki smirked, knowing he has some dirt on Mina.
"Oh? So it's Shitty Hair you like?"

"Wha- NO! I was just saying that it was cool!"

"Yeah, sure whatever, not to mention the fact you called him, quote on quote 'cute.'" There was a silence between the two. Nothing much was thought of, just two people trying to figure out where to go.
However Katsuki was a bit concerned. Of course, not that much but slightly. He didn't know that Denki was on the rooftop with Psycho Bitch. How long had he even been up there?! He cursed to himself, that the next time he would see Denki, he would protect him no matter what.

"Hey, Katsuki. How long did you know that you liked Kami?" Katsuki snapped out of his thoughts to look at a pink girl, still looking for the way. He sighed as he followed her lead. Looking back, it's pretty much been ever since the two first met. Specifically the two's study date. However, the boy didn't know that, he just shrugged it off as if it were nothing.

Katsuki looked at Hanta, then back down at Denki, who shifted ever so slightly, nuzzling his head into Katsuki's chest. Sure, he was concerned for his friends. He wasn't a dick. But slowly but surely, his heart started to race. He looked back at Hanta, who was grinning large now, seeing Katsuki looking a tad bit red.

"He's special to you, Katsuki. I can tell."

"Fucking Soy Sauce..."

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