Twilight: Chapter 11

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Embers pov

I woke up to a sharp smack on my cheek. I growl opening my eyes to meet Jame's sinister smirk and his creepy red eyes. I spit in his face making him snarl. I smirk at him resulting in him smacking me again.

"Listen here bitch your little human friend is coming here to try and save you but poor her she is just going to die and you are going to watch" He grins wickedly

"Over my dead body," I snarl

"No, I need you alive to have fun with" he smirks looking me up and down

"I rather die" I gag

James took a deep breath in smiling "awe she is here"

With that, he vanished and I went full vamp ripping out of my bounding. Which proved to be difficult. However, I was too late Bella was already inside.

"Bella no" I cried

"Ember your okay" she sighs 

I run over at vampire speed "When I say run you run got it?"

"Ember but" Bella started

"Don't argue Bella, I can handle him" I told her

"Fine I will, but promise you will be okay" She states

"I promise" I nodded

"Awe how sweet a rescue plan" James grins wickedly 

I stood in front of Bella protectively "You won't touch her"

"I always loved a good fight" He laughs

"Then you will get one" I smirk

"What can a weak little human like you do huh?" He mocks

"I am not as human as you think I am James" I grin changing my whole form to that of victoria "I can end you as quickly as I like in full vampire form" James eyes widen as he stared at me as my form once gained change to like Jane. I smirk "Pain" He fell to the floor with a loud scream "Bella run now and don't look back until you get to Edward" 

"Stay safe" she calls running out of the door 

Once she is safely away from us I release James from the pain "I am quite fond of the gift it works quite well"

"Who are you" James growled

"I am Emberlina remember, Carlisle told you I am Edwards blood sister"  I laugh

"What are you doing," He asked

"Waiting for you to fight me" I yawned

"I mean, why protect a worthless human" He scoffs

I growl loudly speeding towards him pinning him to the floor by his neck "That worthless human is my soon-to-be sister-in-law asshole. So watch what you say" 

He grunts "Your family is weak and pathic"

I squeeze his neck tighter picking him up and throwing him hard across the room "You will not speak of my family that way" I growled "Now shut up and fight cause right now you seem all bark no bite"

That's when the fight begins. James ran towards me as quick as he could but not quick enough as I easily dodged his attack. I fake yawn into my hand with a bored expression "I thought this would be a bit more exciting" I sighed. He growls runs at me this time I stayed planted to the floor and we collided. To the human eye we would be a blur but the vampire eye you could easily see us. I could hear my family approaching which distracted me long enough for James to get a good hold on me. I scream out in pain as he bit into my neck shooting his venom in with mine. He was trying to claim me. In a panic, I started thrashing around and Edward was the first to come in and tackle him away from me. I fell to the floor holding my neck Carlisle rushed over to me.

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