Twilight: Chapter 9

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Ember pov

"Ember dear wake up, Bella is coming over this afternoon" I heard Carlisle state as he gently shook me

I yawn softly "morning pops"

He chuckles "good morning dear come down when you are ready"

I hum a response stretching as he left. I lay in my bed for a moment more before getting up. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the water as hot as possible going full vamp. I  sigh in contentment as the boiling water runs down my ice cold skin. After a while I started washing up before I grabbed my fluffy towel and dried off. I walk into my closet and put on a strapless bra and underwear. I then put on a dark blue almost black floral shirt tucked into my high waisted dark pink shorts. I slipped on my nude heels as well. Looking in the mirror I pout as I realized my hair is back to its natural bronze ringlets. With a sigh I leave it in its natural ringlets state before going downstairs. 

"Good morning family" I chirped I got a mixture of Good mornings and Mornings back in replied 

“How did you sleep sweetie” Esme smiles 

“It was well” I grin

“Hey Ember wanna go hunting with Jasper and I before Bella gets her” Alice chirps 

“Sure I haven’t hunted in a while” I chirp getting up pecking Esme’s cheek “By momma, leggo guys”

They grin and we run out of the house and into the woods quickly.  We each caught large animals before we came together again. We decided to walk back home. 

“Ember you have been avoiding this question all morning” Alice sighs

“I am scared Alice, he was a player” I sigh 

“Ember you are going to have talk to him at some point” Jasper points out

“And I will… Just not now” I nod

“If you say so” Alice nods jumping into the tree so we can get into the kitchen. Jasper and I jumped up following her. 

“Where Ember, Alice, and Jasper” I heard Edward ask

“Here” I chirp with a smile skipping forward hugging Bella “Nice to see you Bella” 

“Hey Ember, good to see you to” Bella smiles

“Ember they need you on the Reservation, Paul is out of control” Edward mumbles softly

I give a soft nod going human giving the others a smile “Duty calls”

I then take off the heels leaving them in my room before jumping out my window taking off towards the res. It wasn’t hard to find them since they were screaming at each other. Jared, Paul, and Sam seem to be having a scream off. 

“Hey, what the hell are you screaming about” I screamed and they immediately shut up

“Paul wanted to cross the treaty line to see you, but in doing so he would’ve broken the treaty” Sam growls

I roll my eyes “Well even if you had crossed the line I wasn’t there” 

Sam raises a brow “Then where were you?”

“Hunting with my sister and brother” I laugh

“Oh right forgot you had to do that” Sam mumbled

“Why were you hunting?” Paul asked confused

“He doesn’t know?” I asked Sam

“We never told him” Sam nods

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