Twilight- Chapter 4

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Ember's pov

Edward and I stayed in his room for the night playing a board game. Soon Alice came barging into the room making Edward smirk and me groan. Alice grabbed my wrist and pulled me out. 

"Common common Emberlina, it's my day to dress you" Alice cheers and I chuckle letting her pull me with her.

"What is today's choice Ally cat" I grin 

"Today will be red" She squeals "Now go put on the clothes I laid out in your closet" 

I mock salute her "Yes ma'am" I giggle as go into my closet today Alice picked out a red and white striped loose long-sleeved shirt with a red flowy skirt. Paired with some brownish-red booties. I walk out after I am dressed and sit at my vanity. I let Alice put on makeup and style my hair. For makeup, Alice kept simple and did some think black winged eyeliner with a soft red and pink eye shadow look, and blood-red color lip. For my hair we left it with my ringlets pulled into a half up and half down look. 

"You know this is a bit much for a field trip" I chuckled at Alice

"Is not it's just right" Alice huffed 

I giggled and skipped into the living room "Common my lovely family it's time to go school"

"Why are you so perky today," Rosalie asked

"Cause I can" I grin cheekily 

Everyone chuckles as us teens go to our cars and I peck Carlisle and Esme's cheek. I jump into Eddies Volvo with Ally and Jas. I hummed along to the radio as we drove to school. Soon we arrive thanks to Eddie's speed racer driving. Everyone stood by the cars and I skipped over to Bella's side.

"hey hey Bellsie" I chirp

"Hey Em, isn't that outfit a little overdressed for the trip" she greeted/asked amused

"Alice dressed me, I only allow her to dress me one day every other week" I grin

Bella laughs and nods "Makes sense"

Before I respond Mike Newton shows up "Hey uh Ember and uh Bella I was wondering if one of you would go to... Yeah, know prom... With me"

I hear Edward, Emmett, and Jasper growl lowly "Mike did you ask any of my brother permission to ask me? You know how they are. And They are the same for Bella under my request. But you should ask Jess I know she'd want to go with you." I replied with a kind smile internally smirking when he paled at the mention of my brothers.

He quickly scurried off and Bella sighed in relief "Thanks"

I grin my famous crooked smile "Your quite welcome, now lets board the buses"

I road with Bella on her bus as my sibling's road on another bus. Me and Bella talk during the whole ride there. Once we arrived at a greenhouse We jumped outta the bus and walked around. But soon I see Edward and nod.

"Hey, I need to go talk to Alice real quick I'll be back in a min" I grinned excusing my self from Bella

She nodded and I left to my pixie sister and cowboy brother. Alice was jumping up and down when I found her. I give her a confused look "What?"

"I've seen your mate!" She squealed "Well kinda, he is very blurry and well your future is very blurry cutting in and out a lot."

I froze blinking at her. Alice has never seen my mate before, nor have I. I just came to the conclusion I would be alone. I get lost in thought and could feel my self being picked up most likely by has. Who is my mate and how come I can't get a good vision on him. How come my future is blurred. What is he? Is he human, is he a vampire. I'm broken from my thoughts by a bang on the door.  I look around confused as Edward took me onto their bus. 

"What happened?" I looked at Edward who looked mad

Alice smirked "He doesn't like the thought of his baby sister getting a mate"

I laughed shaking my head "You know it was bound to happen, Eddie"

Edward huffed "But does it have to happen so fast"

"Eddie I've been looking for him almost 100 years" I rolled my eyes

He just huffs and pouts like a 5-year-old. I laugh at him shaking my head. My laughter dies when I see Rose looking at me with a glare. I match her glare letting out a small growl. It was too soft to be heard by human ears. Now normally be and Rose is good but we butted heads the other day.


Bella was checking something by her truck and Tylers van came running out of control at her. I was coming so fast she didn't really notice till it was too late. Bella is Edward's mate so he immediately has the reaction to protect her. Even more so because she is human. Now I know that we can't expose ourselves to humans, but Bella is Edwards mate. At the hospital, Rose kept going on about how Edward should've let the car hit her. Which started getting on my nerves. 

"This endangers all of of" She hissed "We is everyone being so reckless"

"She is his fucking mate Rosalie enough about this" I growled while we were in Carlisle office "Get off your mother fucking high horse, we know the danger but what if this was you and Emmett. Don't you remember how you felt when you saw him hurt? Cause I felt your fucking pain, Rosalie. Do you wish that pain on our brother? Because if Bella was to get hit Edward would majorly be effected but so would we. Like a lovely hot branding iron shoved down our throat. Not to mention Jasper. He feels all of our bloodlust, so he doesn't just feel his own, he feels all of ours"

Edward is the one to stop me before it got worse "Ember let's go"

I wouldn't move so Edward picked me up and carried me out of the office. 

End of flashback

Edward wrapped an arm around my shoulders as Emmet wraps an arm around Rosalie's waist. The boys and Alice, as well as Carlisle and Esme, have been worried about mine and Rosalie's relationship. Saying we are both too stubborn and hard-headed to talk to each other. Soon we arrive at the school and we head home. I decided to go to my bedroom and be alone.


1114 words  

binkleys23 Thank you for the comment in the last chapter. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter.~love wolfie

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