Chapter 7

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°emberlina pov°

It's now 1933 and everything is going well. Esme and Evan have caught up. We've moved twice. Me and Edward have spent time together either talking or playing piano. Though there was a time he left with no note. The worst part was, he came back with red eyes. I gave him the silent treatment for a few weeks. Esme has had a couple of slips and her and Carlisle got married! We now live in Rochester New York. Currently me, Esme, and Evan are making designs for our next house. Carlisle is at work and Edward is hunting.

"for Edwards room what if we do a music theme?" I asked

"that sounds lovely" Esme smiles while sketching a few ideas

"and for ember-" Evan starts but gets cut off by Carlisle rushing in with a blonde girl in his arms.

Immediately we are all following him to his study.

"Carlisle dear who is she"

"that's Rosalie Hale, she was supposed to marry Royce something" I mutter looking at the golden haired woman as her violet eyes open.

"kill me please kill me" Rosalie mumbled the pain evident in her voice.

"I'm sorry I can't" I say as I walk closer. I can hear the others talking behind me "but I'll help ease the pain"

Just as she lets out a scream I take her hand. And just like I did Esme I take the burning pain. Grunting and falling to the floor I hold her hand not letting go.

"Emberlina! No!" I could hear Evan shout as they all rush over to me.

"what's she doing" Esme asked worried

"same thing she did for you" Carlisle started

"she's taking the pain away" Evan mutter

"and also giving it to herself" Edward muttered as he came to my side. He must have just gotten back from hunting.

"thank y-you" a soft voice whispers

I look up at her and give her a soft smile and a small nod.

"Emmy You shouldn't be doing this" Edward sighs

I give him the same crooked grin we share. He takes my other hand and holds it giving it a soft squeeze. And that's how we stayed until I was to weak to keep holding. Edward picked me up and took me to the kitchen setting me on the stool getting some blood for me. I lay my head on the table letting my eyes close.

*few days later time skip*

Letting my eyes flutter open I notice that I'm laid on a metal table, Edward sat at my side.

"E-eddie?" I mutter softly looking at him confused

"she's awake!" he exclaimed looking over at me with worry clear in his golden eyes

"what happened" I mutter softly looking at him confused.

"You were still in your human form when you were taking the pain away. It was too much for the human version to handle" Edward explained

I nodded slowly and he handed me some blood that I gladly gulped down. Edward rubs my back soothingly

"where's mom" I asked Eddie

"She and Esme went out hunting" Edward told me and grumbled the rest "Rosalie wanted to talk to you by the way"

"Okay, where is she" I asked softly finishing off my cup and handing it off to him

"The other room next to yours sister"

"Okie dokie I am going to see her" I said stretching and jumping down then asking "You wanna go hunting later and play a game?"

"You're on little sister" he grins giving his signature crooked smile.

"Great" i grin throwing him an identical smile.

And with that I walk off and up the stairs down the halls to Rosalie. Once I reach her room I knock on the door gently. I heard a soft 'come in'. I open the door softly and peek my head in.

"Hello, I am Emberlina" I grinned cheekily

Rosalie sat by a window looking out of it. When I entered she turned and looked at me. "Hello, Emberlina I am Rosalie" She replied softly "I wanted to say thank you, you took away the pain for someone you did not know"

"No one deserves pain, you most certainly didn't either.... Like Edward I can read minds I saw how you where close to death and it was not right" I stated seriously and grinned a bit "Men are pigs"

"Hey! Not all men!" Called Edward and Carlisle clearly offended

Me and Rosalie look at each other and giggle "Most men are pigs" we stated smiling slightly. With that we started talking and getting to know each other. I found out she is 18 and was born 1918, the year Edward was turned. Physically I am younger than Rosalie by a year,but I am technically older than her by 10ish years. Soon I left her alone. She was still coping with being a vampire. I met Edward down the stairs where he waited for me.

"Ready big brother" I grin giving him our matching cooked smile

"Let's go Little sister" he chuckled matching my smile.

"Bye Carlisle me and Edward are going out hunting be back soon" I called out I heard him give us the ok and I look at Edward "Race you!"

With that I race off outside of the house laughing. I can hear Edward running behind me laughing as well. We race through the forest laughing together Eddie catching up ever so slightly. Every time he got close I would run a bit faster. Now me and Eddie boy are the fastest of our clan. Well, I prefer the term family because we are a family in a way. Soon we stop playing and start hunting. We started the game who can catch the biggest prey. We split ways taking off and hunting on our own. I got a bobcat and like always I make sure it old before I drink. After I finished I walk back to our meeting place looking up at the sky. It is dark now and we can see the beautiful stars.

"What did you catch sister" I heard edward making my gaze snap to him.

"I got a nice ol' bob cat" I grinned "What did you catch Brother"

"I got a big buck" he chuckled "It seems we tie little sister"

"What ever help you sleep at night brother" I laughed "Let's head back"

He chuckles and nods both of us burying the animals before racing each other back home. I won that race by literally shoving Edward into a river. Where he then pulled me in and we had a water fight by splashing each other. Once we were done we continued on our way home still laughing and picking on each other. By the time we got home we were mainly dry. We walked into the house still laughing. The others were seated in the living room. Soon me and Edward joined them once we were in dry clean pajamas.

"Is everything okay, is something wrong?" I asked once I sat down next to Evan, she placed her hand on my knee and shook her head.

"No, nothing is wrong Emberlina" Carlisle said smiling warmly at me "We just need to move again is all and I wanted to do a vote on where we go"

"Oh okay" i sighed out in relief

"Now I was thinking we can go to Tennessee, England, and or Oregon." Carlisle stated "Hands for Tennessee"

Mine, Evans and Esme went up "Okay hands for England" There goes Edwards and Rosalie's hand. "Okay Tennessee it is" he chuckled.

Then we talked about everything before we all went to pack our stuff up. Something good is going to happen in Tennessee and I can not wait for it.

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