Twilight- Chapter 2

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I went up to the roof in my p.j pants and a big hoodie of Emmett's. It was raining and I just wanted to be left alone without hearing my family. I'm letting my thoughts run wild when a thought hit me. Coloring my hair. I thought about it and decided I was gonna do it. I jumped into my window and pulling the water out of my hair and everything. I run to Alice's room where she stood waiting with a soft smile.

"I already asked Esme and Carlisle they are okay with" She smiled and chirped pulling me into her room and into her bathroom she sat me down at the chair inside "Are you sure about this"

"Yeah I'm sure" I smiled softly "It's not the 1920's anymore"

She smiled at me started on my hair. The lucky side of me being a vampire is that my hair won't be ruined by the dying. I sit back and relax talking to Alice. It made me feel better sometimes I feel alone. Even though I have a bunch of people with me. Soon enough Alice is styling my hair. Alice smiled and nodded. 

"Perfect as always" she grinned brightly handing me a mirror 

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"Perfect as always" she grinned brightly handing me a mirror 

I hold up the mirror and gasp softly "it's amazing Alice"

"Common we got to show Esme and Carlisle" Alice squeals grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs I smiled laughing

"Carlisle! Esme!" Alice called and they appeared in the living-room same time we do

"Oh honey it's so beautiful" Esme smiled

"It's a stunning sweetheart" Carlisle smiled softly

"Thank you, you guys" I blushed smiling brightly "Alice when will Edward be home"

"He should be back tonight" Alice stated

"Thank you sister" I smiled and hugged her "I am going to go hunt see you all soon"

I ran out of the house and into the forest. My hair blowing behind me at my fast pace. I jump in the trees traveling through the branches. Once I found my prey I crouch down and wait for the perfect time to pounce. When it's looking away I jump down landing on its back quickly snapping its neck because I don't like playing with my food unlike my brother Emmett. I soon drained my food. Since it was a bear and I'm so tiny that filled me up. I decided to lay in a field after I buried it. I watch the sky turn twilight and that's when I decided to walk home. It took me a while because I was walking. When I got home it was well into the night and I heard talking in the Living room. Edward was back instead of going in there I ran up the stairs into my room. I turned on my small fireplace and sat in my hanging chair. I pulled my knees to my chest and just stare at the fireplace.

Flashback 1908

I was 7 or 8 and Edward was 10. We were sitting around the fireplace with mother and father. We all were playing a board game. It was Christmas eve and this was one of our family traditions.

"Eddie you are cheating" I pouted

"No I am not Emmy" Eddie huffed

"Alright my loves no arguing it is just a game my sweets" Mother smiled

"how about we open one of our presents," Father asked

I squealed and Eddie nodded. Mother and father laughed softly before giving us one present each. As soon as they said to open it we tore it open. Inside my box was a leather band with an emerald on it. Eddie got one like mine but with an Ember.

"This is to symbol that shows you always have each other" mother smiled softly and our father nodded.

End of flashback

I smiled faintly at the memory. I still have the emerald. I walk over to my box that I keep my memorable items and gently pick up my necklace. Laid down on my bed holding the emerald. Slowly though my eyes fell close and I drifted off to sleep holding the emerald to my chest.


I knew as soon as I left that Emberlina would be upset with me. I'm such a horrible brother, I broke my promise.... again. Oh, she isn't going to talk to me for weeks. I smiled at the family before going up to her room. I gently knock on the door before entering hearing her soft snores. I slowly enter her room and frown though when I see what she is holding I smile softly. I still wear my ember every day. I lightly kiss Ember's forehead before leaving her room and closing her door.


I hope you guys like this chapter. 

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