Twilight- Chapter 13

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Ember's pov

It's the summer and I have been spending it with my family. Today I am going to the res while the rest go hunting. I put on my white off shoulder long sleeve shirt with a black romper overall shorts. I parted my white tennis and ran to the res. I jumped over the creek. And met the boys at Sam's house. I burst through the door. Paul immediately noticed me and smiled. I quickly walked and plopped on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me as I greeted the other. "Good morning boys, and Emily"

I got a chorus of greetings back. "You up to some cliff diving today? The boys will be jumping but the girls are coming and we'll be hanging on the beach." Emily asked as she packed a bag.

"Awesome, sounds fun" I chirped leaning into Paul.

"You got a suit?" Paul asked after kissing the side of my cheek.

"Yeah, I am wearing one under my clothes." I grin getting up as we were about to leave. "Also Edward and I won't be in town the next couple of days. We have to go to Chicago."

"Why?" Jared asked confused as we started heading there.

"The 22nd is the anniversary of our parent's deaths. We go to the cemetery every year. We leave flowers and clean their graves" I told the others sadly my eyes watering.

Paul gave me a squeeze kissing the side of my head. "Do you want me to come with you?"

I shake my head, "no this is something Ed and I do alone"

He nodded understandingly, "okay but keep me updated alright?"

I smiled and nodded "always"

"Race ya!" Sam exclaims running off

"You are so on!" I called out running after him. I easily caught up with him "takes more than a head start to beat me."

Laughing I made it first "damn one day I'll beat you" Sam grins pointing at me

"When pigs fly baby" I giggled teasingly. He huffed with a smile. I took off my clothes and placed them with Emily as we went to the cliffs. "Me first!" I cheer jumping off the other side.

I felt the rush as I'm engulfed in the freezing water. I swam to the top. I see Bella walking along the beach. She spots me and waves. I waved back before swimming towards her. She was walking with a kid named Jake. "Hey Bells! Whatcha doing here?"

"Over at Jake's to watch the game with dad. But me and Jake got bored and decided to go for a walk" Bella smiled nudging the teen boy. "Jake this is Ember, Ember this is Jacob"

"Nice to meet you Jacob" I smiled sweetly holding my hand out.

He gave a nod with a partial smile. Bella asks curiously "what are you doing here?"

"Oh hanging with Paul and the group" I smile looking over at them.

"How you two doing," she asked with a smile.

"Great, he's amazing" I sighed happily

"So your the girl that tamed Paul" Jacob asked surprised

"That's what everyone says" I chuckle shaking my head, "I told him he ain't getting laid for while and until he gets tested for STDs"

They both laugh and I feel a towel wrapped around me. "Don't what you to catch a cold babe" Paul told me wrapping an arm around me.

I smile and peck his cheek "Paul! Meet Bella, my brother's girlfriend and her friend Jacob"

"Nice to meet you Bella" He nods before looking at Jacob "Nice to see you, Jacob"

Bella smiles shyly and waves. Jacob gives a nod back looking uncomfortable. "Well we better get back to the group, see you later Bells" I smiled waving to her and pulling Paul to the group. I nudged Paul giving him a look when we make it to the group. I shot Sam and Jared a look too. "Stop staring at the poor kid like that" I scolded them, "he thinks you guys are creepy and insane. Calm your tits, or else he won't trust you when he phases.'

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